Isabella Bielifeld Ch 13

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You'd think this wouldn't happen.  I mean, it's not like we have to wake up.  Though, we are 9 young adults - in mind - living in a large house.  More importantly, we are 9 hyper vampires with a Danger Room. 

                Oh yeah, do you remember those lower levels I was talking about?  Well, there are 2 of them.  The main lower level - and the only one any humans are going to get anywhere near - is the extended garage and basement.  Though, deeper down is the room just about all of us adore. 

                The Danger Room - as it was affectionately named by me - is this indestructible room.  Everything in there was mixed with vampire venom or something like that when it was being made, like the shell of our vehicles.  So, that room - which is about the size of a school gymnasium - can definitely handle 11 rough-housing vampires.  More importantly, it can handle 2 hyper newborns. 

                Of course, that was the favorite room in the entire house to everyone, even Mariah.  She'd usually be watching Virgil show off, though.  The point is: we are down there a lot.  The Danger Room is larger than the entire house put together. 

                Brandon's 2nd favorite room is the garage.  The garage is more like the underground parking lot for a hotel or something.  It holds all of our 11 normal vehicles, our ATV's, motorcycles, and other things.  It has 3 different exits, one of which leading to the normal garage doors (there are 3 of them).  The other 2 are hidden and face the north and south while the normal garage door faces the east. 

                This place is Brandon's paradise.  He's the only one who can touch my baby and live.  But, he never touches her without me around

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