Isabella Bielifeld CH 10

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                I thought it was funny when I saw Mariah's picture.  It was of this creepy-looking mansion in front of a full moon.  Apparently, she and Virgil got bored on the way here.  I was on the ground laughing.  It actually looked kind of like the house.  Kind of. 

It didn't take any time at all to move into the house. 

                It's a large house with 7 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms.  Though, that's the first 3 stories of the house.  There are 2 more sub-levels.  Though, we'll get to that later on. 

                My room is on the 3rd floor of the house.  It's the only bedroom up there.  There is also the music room and a library there.  Though, the library only contains the books that Natasha is not reading.  There is also an art studio up there but Mariah usually does most of her artwork in her room.  That room is more of a storage room.  My favorite part about my part of the house is that it has a bathroom that I do not have to share with anyone. 

                The 2nd floor of the house is where Dylan, Virgil, and Jonathan spend most of their time.  Though, that's only because of the large game room that is up there.  Everyone is basically pared up in their own room.  Dylan and Elizabeth share a room that always has some kind of music going, Virgil and Mariah share a room that always has some kind of artwork in it, Brandon and Natasha share a room that is constantly filled with books, and Nymphadora and Jonathan share a room that's usually empty. 

Dylan, Virgil, Mariah, and Elizabeth share a bathroom.  While Elizabeth is screaming at the boys because she wants to fix her hair, Mariah will be zoned out as she works on a drawing.  Jonathan, Brandon, Nymphadora, and Natasha share a bathroom.  Nymphadora is usually the one screaming at Jonathan for taking so long.  You see, Jonathan likes to have his hair spiked 24/7 and also likes to tease Nymphadora by staying in extra long when she wants to take a shower. 

                Samantha and Alexander share a room on the 1st floor of the house.  They never argue about the bathroom that they share because they do everything together.  They also have their own library that is filled to the brim with medical text books.  Other things on the 1st floor would be a dining room (which will never be used), kitchen (which might be used), a laundry room (that will never not be in use), another game room, and a large living room.  The whole 1st floor is built around the fire place. 

                The entire house is centered on the idea of letting light in. 

                "This is one of the few places we don't have to hide" I told them. 

                The house is surrounded by forest.  In the back, there are a few sheds and other rooms away from the main house.  In the back, there is a large pool and a hot tub. 


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