Chapter 17

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Her phone vibrated as she tried to open her eyes, but it felt as though someone had glued her eyelids together.

But when her phone didn't stop buzzing, Regina managed to open her eyes and she immediately got blinded by her screen lighting up, showing Emma's name.

"Weird," she muttered, but responded anyway.

After all, there was no way she could deny Emma anything.

"Hi?" She muttered with a sleepy voice. She had no clue as to what time it was.

"Regina?" Henry's soft voice sounded worried, causing Regina to sit straight up in bed immediately.

Henry calling her couldn't be a good sign, Regina was aware of that. And the fact that his voice sounded worried, made everything much worse.

"Hi, what's going on, sweetie?" Regina inquired carefully and she could practically hear Henry swallow on the other side.

"I think mom's sick. She won't wake up and there's vomit all over the place," Henry said and Regina immediately got out of bed. She looked at her alarm clock and noticed that the children had to be in school in thirty minutes.

"Henry, don't worry. I'll be with you right away. Try to get your sisters to get dressed, alright? I'll be with you in two minutes," she said and after Henry had said goodbye she hung up.

She wondered what was going on, because Emma hadn't seemed sick in the morning when they went to the office, but if she puked.. that couldn't be good.

Regina quickly dressed up and left her house without anything but her keys. She hurried to Emma's house where she didn't have to wait long before Henry opened the door.

Luckily, he was already dressed for school and so were his sisters that appeared behind him.

"She's in the living room," Lola said and pointed at the door. Regina offered her a brief smile before she hurried to the living room, only to find Emma unconscious on the couch, covered in her own vomit and an empty bottle of vodka next to her.

The whole room smelled of the strong alcohol and vomit and Regina's nose scrunched up in disgust as she walked over at Emma, whose eyes were firmly shut.

"Kids, I'm going to make you some breakfast and bring you to school, then I'll take care of Emma. Everything will be alright," Regina said as she turned to the children who looked worried at their mother.

"Will she be okay?" Eva softly asked as they walked to the kitchen where Regina poured cereal in bowls.

The brunette nodded and sighed as she poured the milk with the cereal. "She'll be fine. There's nothing to worry about," Regina calmed the younger brunette and smiled reassuring.

Eva nodded curtly as she accepted the bowl of cereal from the woman and the three kids started eating.

There was an awkward silence as they ate their breakfast. Regina was frustrated with the blonde, but wanted to make sure the kids were alright before she started thinking of the immature woman.

"I'm done," Lola said as she swallowed the last bit of her cereal and looked proudly at her brother and sister.

Regina nodded and smiled. "Then I think you three are ready for school. Come on," she said and gestured at the door.

She put the dishes in the sink and walked to her car with the kids, that were still not entirely sure of what was going on around them.

Regina dropped the kids off at school and waved briefly at them before she drove back to Emma's house, ignoring the speed signs.

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