Chapter 16

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Emma and Regina walked through the brightly lit corridor, toward the office with the two cells. They were in a bit of a hurry and hadn't let go of each other's hands since they left the car.

The blonde pulled Regina along with her and when they almost reached the door, she abruptly stopped walking, causing Regina to bump into her.

Emma immediately turned around to face Regina and looked worried at the woman.

"I am so sorry, are you okay?"

Regina chuckled and nodded curtly. "I'm not as fragile as you may think, Em-ma," she taunted and winked.

Emma briefly glanced at Regina's plump lips, but turned around and faced the door. However, Regina had noticed it, but she decided not to comment.

The blonde slowly opened the door and immediately noticed Killian, who looked startled and sat up straight in bed.

The two sheriffs were with him, but Graham was asleep in his chair, while David softly stood up to greet the women.

"Hi," he said and gestured at Killian. "I suppose I should give you three some time alone."

Emma nodded and David left the room. The woman released Regina's hand and Killian looked confused at Regina.

"What is she doing here?" Killian asked and it was not hard to recognize the disgust in his voice.

"She's here to support me. She's my friend. And she's involved in this case as well, which is something you'd known if you had taken the time to listen to me," Emma said and noticed the anger creeping up in her.

When David had called her, Emma felt quite calm. Relaxed, even. Then, the nerves came and now that she saw Killian, all the feelings of anger and sadness had returned.

She wouldn't be able to ever forgive Killian for everything he'd done, whether that included killing Neal or not.

"Why did you lie?" Emma said as she walked closer to the bars. "Why did you say you'd killed Neal? Do you think it's funny to kid about that?" She raised her voice, but calmed immediately when she felt Regina's hand on her shoulder.

Killian shrugged. "It seemed to make a lot of sense at first," he muttered and Emma grabbed the bars tightly.

"How could it have made a lot of sense?" She spat and looked penetrating at Killian.

She didn't understand anything of what was going on now. Why would anyone say they killed someone - whose case had been closed a long time ago - if they hadn't done it? It made no sense at all to Emma.

"I didn't know if we were ever going to divorce," he muttered. "And I couldn't spend another second in that house."

Emma flinched and loosened her grip on the bars, before she moved back.

"You said that to be sure I'd divorce you? You know how fucking hard that time was for me and to joke about that?! That's sick!" She bellowed and Regina quickly squeezed her shoulder.

Killian looked defeated and somehow that pleased Emma. She was beyond angry with the man and it was a good thing they were separated by bars.

"I don't ever want to see your face again, unless it has got something to do with the divorce. We're over," Emma finished and took off her wedding ring before she threw it in his cell. "Goodbye."

She turned around while pulling Regina along with her.

David woke up as the office door slammed shut and Regina ran after Emma as the woman stormed outside the building while crying her eyes out.

When she finally caught up with Emma, Regina grabbed her hand and pulled the woman in a tender embrace.

"Ems, calm down," Regina tried to soothe Emma, but the blonde flinched and pulled away.

"No, I'm not going to calm down! My husband is a psychopath! How am I ever going to tell my kids this?" Emma hysterically cried and walked away.

"I'm here for you, Emma, I'm going to help you," Regina calmly said but Emma glared angry at her.

The brunette wanted to help Emma as much as she could and she didn't know why Emma was suddenly so angry with her. That's the last thing she wanted.

Regina didn't want to be the reason Emma was angry, and she knew she wasn't, but the blonde did act that way.

"I don't need your help," she snapped. "I'm going to do things on my own now. I don't need people in my life. Everyone always lets me down in the end anyways," she muttered and turned around.

"Do you need a ride home?" Regina offered. They'd driven to the police station together, in her car, but the blonde shook her head furiously.

She scoffed and turned around. "I don't need help. I'm fine. Goodbye," she stated and hurried away, leaving a dumbfounded Regina.

Regina inhaled deeply and watched as Emma ran away. Blonde curls bouncing in the wind and footsteps echoing away.

She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered in the cold morning air. For some reason she felt her eyes becoming glossy.

Emma's words had hurt her. She didn't want them to hurt her, but they had. Something had gotten into Emma, she had flinched when Regina had said "calm down".

A tear rolled down her cheek, but Regina didn't bother wiping it away. More tears came, but she didn't move. She just stood there, in the cold, hugging herself and crying.

After a while, she wiped all her tears away and cleared her throat before she straightened her posture and walked to her car.

Regina drove to her street and stopped in front of Emma's house. It was completely dark and it seemed as though no one was home. She sighed and rubbed her temples before she drove further to her own house.

She wanted to make amends with Emma, but the longer she thought about what had just happened, the more frustrated she felt herself becoming with the blonde.

Regina was aware of how hard all of this was for Emma. Finding out your husband, to whom you've been married for ten years, had killed your ex, just to find out that be hadn't, but that he'd only said that because he was miserable in your marriage was horrible.

A divorce was overall not something to be taken lightly, but the circumstances now made it even harder for Emma.

The brunette tried to not take it personal. She knew that seeing Killian had been a lot for Emma and she figured Emma was just scared.

However, it seemed as though Emma did not take Regina's feelings into consideration. Perhaps the blonde figured that she wouldn't be hurt in the end, but Regina was hurt now.

Regina shook her head, trying to push away all the thoughts haunting her mind, and closed the front door behind her back.

She groaned and walked upstairs. It felt as though she hadn't been in her house since forever, even though she'd visited it yesterday.

Emma's house really had become a second home for her lately. She'd spent most of her time there with the kids and Emma.

The woman grumbled something inaudible out of frustration and went to bed, but every time she closed her eyes to sleep, a stunning blonde haunted her mind.

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