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Kiaras POV

Well shit.

I thought that my life was weird enough, living a double life while being the only girl in a friend group of all guys, and then reuniting with my former bestie Sarah. Well, I guess not anymore, since TWO OF THEM ARE DEAD. You know what, i'll stop thinking about Sarah and John B since I've heard enough about them from the police to last me a lifetime. At this point, it would be more considerate to just let us mourn in peace and host a proper funeral.

By us, I mean JJ and Pope, the two remaining friends I have that help me escape the living hell that is life right now. Now that I think about it, I only have ONE friend since Pope and I are officially a couple.

And by officially, I mean to Pope and I only, since literally no one knows that we are dating besides us. Pope was pretty insistent on having us go 100% public but I backed out with the excuse that 'We will eventually, lets just wait until we get more serious'. Truth is, I'm just afraid of commitment. I have never been in a relationship in my life, and from what I've seen, they are absolute hell. Not to tarnish the deceased's reputation, but Sarah has cheated on all of her boyfriends up until John B. Even her sister knew about it and she started to think it was normal. I mean with John B it seemed like the cheating problem would be resolved, but instead of Sarah cheating, THEY DIED! Sounds like a pretty bad substitute for cheating if you ask me. As for other relationships, they aren't much better. My parents are trapped in their marriage by having to work on the business and I sometimes wish they would just divorce. I mean hell, JJ has never had a real girlfriend at all. He fucks them and then disposes them like dirt or some shit. I try to call him out on it but he always gets defensive and really angry so I stop and keep quiet.

I grew up with no idea of love and I'm scared that Pope will hurt me or make my life miserable. I'm not sure what I'm so afraid of because Pope is the perfect guy for me. He is someone who would never cheat or treat me badly. When he told me he loved me the night that John B was deemed a person of interest in the murder of the Sheriff, I felt like it was real. Even today, I made an angry face because I burned my finger on fresh toast and Pope jumped to my side and made sure I was fine. He has no flaws and I should treat him with more respect than hiding him in the dark like he's something to be ashamed of. I should be excited to debut our relationship. I have to be....

"Hey babe!" Pope exclaims as he enters my room unannounced. What a way to end my zoning out at 3:00 in the afternoon. "Woah! Um...hi" I say with way too little enthusiasm. I sound like I'm greeting my guidance counselor or some shit. God, hes my boyfriend, why can't I be nicer to him?

"Hey, are you okay Kie? You don't look so great."

"Wow, thanks for the compliment." I respond with disgust. Holy shit, can I spend ONE second without bullying on my BOYFRIEND??? I need to control myself. No more sarcasm. No more jokes. "Wait, no, I'm sorry. I know what you meant. I'm sorry Pope, its just-"

Pope cuts me off with a quick peck and says "Hey its okay, you don't have to say anything. I get it. I'll leave you alone and come back when you feel better. Just text me."

"Okay, thanks" I respond with an extreme feeling of guilt. Speaking of texting, I should go onto Snapchat and see with people sent me. Probably just condolences about John B and Sarah. As per usual. I check snap maps right as Pope leaves the room and I see JJ on the main dock five minutes away and I get this awful feeling in my stomach. He's been pretty distant lately and I feel so bad. He probably feels guilty about John B and Sarah so hes been distancing himself.

"Wait Pope!" I scream as I sprint out of my room. "I have an idea. Lets surprise JJ!",I say as I show him the map of where he is.

"Okay, lets do it. Let's get him some White Claws and cookies from your fridge, and it's a date"

In about three minutes, we assembled the goods and started walking towards the dock. Together.

What the fuck. Pope and I are holding hands, in public, together. Like a normal couple together. Not like a forbidden romance together. Why does this feel...nice? I thought I was against this whole public relationship thing, but seeing Pope holding my hand with such security makes me want to do it 100 times more. Somehow, I now know that he will never hurt me, and I have never been more proud to show something off in my life.

After what seems like forever, we see JJ at the dock, sitting by himself.

Okay, this sulking in the middle of the afternoon thing is boring as fuck. I thought I would gain some knowledge from this experience, but I'm just staring at the dirty mud water thinking about all of the things I've done wrong in my life. John B and Sarah couldn't even TRY to save me from my misery and come out right now, pleading for my help as they drown slowly beneath the Outer Banks waters. 'JJ, you're our only hope! We need your strong, muscular arms to lift us up from the depths of these oceans into the sunlight!!!' Maybe then, I will have some purpose in life. I have reached the point of depression where seeing my friends drown would be something to look forward to. There has to be some sort of miracle awaiting me as I bake underneath the sun staring at nothing.

I turn around, and I see Pope and Kie holding hands. You have got to be kidding me.

God, I asked for a miracle, not a curse. I turned immediately back around in shock like a wimp. I need to play this off cool, I'm probably just seeing things. Kie would never break her own rule... would she?

"JJ! Hola mi amigo" Kie says in the most obviously fake Spanish accent I've heard in my life. I laugh, and I turn back around to see that they are still. holding. hands.

I can't do this.

"I'm-i'm sorry I need to go" I say at rapid speed while heading up and away from those two.

"Wait man, are you upset? We got you your favorite meal to cheer you up.' Pope says with his perfect voice and outfit. And Kiara, standing next to him, looking like the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in my life. Holding Pope's hand. I stare and their hands, intertwined so casually, so close together. Fuck. How long have I been staring at their hands? Great, now it looks like I have some weird hand fetish.

It seems to have caught on to Kie, as she then says "If you're wondering why we are holding hands, that's because, well, Pope and I are-"

"No" I say, interrupting what I know is about to be said.

"No? JJ what are you sayi-"

"NO. NO KIARA. I'm leaving, right now, don't even bother with the shitty gesture. You two have a cutesy couple dinner doing cutesy couple shit because I'm leaving." I say way too harshly, and I storm off.

I'm hearing the 'JJ come back' 's getting quieter and quieter as I storm and then I reach home. I realize what I just did. I just told off my friends for being...nice? I can't let people be nice now? You know what, I know why. I know why I'm so upset right now, I'm just not admitting it. Kie is with Pope. She loves him and he loves her. You can just see it in their eyes when they look at each other. The way her small hands are locked in with his so tightly. Her body can be hugged and her tears can become dry when he enters the room. Her hair can be tucked behind her ear when Pope wants to kiss her. He can kiss her. I don't care if I sound like Shakespeare spewing this romantic shit anymore. I can't handle that Pope and Kie are in a relationship because I like her. I like her too much, actually. So much that I just ruined yet another thing in my life because of it. I want to apologize to them, but I don't know if I can. If I do, then I will have to endure the pain of seeing Kie with Pope all of the time, and I am too selfish to endure that. If I make them break up, Kie will be sad, and I can't deal with her being sad, especially because of me. Shit, I can't even deal with Pope being sad because of me. In the end, there is no good solution to this.

Will I just be pining for Kie the rest of my life?

Pining- JJ x KiaraWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt