
1.9K 26 28

note-this is one week after JJs outburst


My alarm wakes me like a knife through my ears at 6:00 A.M. As I wake up from that annoying ass alarm, I smell nothing but beer and tobacco. It's a Sunday morning. Typical in the Maybank household, unfortunately. I walk down type stairs,  almost falling over from exhaustion to see my father, once again, passed out on the couch. I won't stand here and say our beds are comfortable in the slightest, but choosing that infested couch over being on the same floor as me? He must really hate me.

I look around the room and see that nothings changed. Still, there are bottles of beer everywhere, and trash sprinkled around the floor that are months old. I'll clean this shit hole when I get back. What i'm getting back from is actually something that might be an improvement to my life. A job interview. Yes, I may not seem like the most reliable fish in the pond, it beats sitting in my own thoughts and feeling sorry for myself all the time. I might as well move on and work to leave this place when I graduate. Hopefully i'll be a decent enough person by then to be cared about.

I take a granola bar from my pantry and head out to the car to drive to the interview. God, why did this guy make the interview so fucking early. The last time i've woken up this early was for school, which I barely like to think about, yet again revisit. My legs are failing me and I can barely see two feet in front of me because the sky is black as shit. I sit in the car seat zoning out for a couple of minutes until I see my father get up from the corner of my eye. I cant let him know I'm trying to get work. He'll just degrade me and tell me i'm not good enough. Like always. I have to go now before my ass gets beaten. I start up the car and drive faster than I have in my entire life. Shit, did I hit a deer? Wait, there aren't even deer in the Outer Banks. I really must be losing it.

After 15 minutes of driving, I reach the place. It's a tackle shop, placed in full on Kook territory. I never really expected Kooks to have an interest in fishing. I always assumed them to import fish from the Bahamas or some rich people shit. I park and walk up to the front door and knock. The sun is just starting to rise, with small glimpses of light shining through the darkness. This light comes into human form when I see the manager of the tackle shop walk up and open the door for me.

"JJ, is it? Come on in and sit in this table" He says, pointing to the empty table in front of the desk.

"So, I just need you to sign this form, and you get the job."

"Wait, what?" I say with confusion. I was just practicing my answers to fancy interview questions all last night and I didnt even need to? I just have to sign a dumbass form? I look at the manager and he gives me a face that is indicating annoyance. Okay, I have to fix this.

"Sorry. I just thought there would be questions. Because it is an 'interview' after all...sir" Why did I add the sir. Now he thinks i'm a pompous Kook. I might as well walk out right now.

"There aren't any questions because this is a fairly easy job. If you have an IQ above 60 I'm positive you will be able to do it well. Just handle the customers money. In at 8:00, out at 2:00. Is that okay with you, JJ?"

"Yes, of course! I'll sign it now" I sign the paper, shake his hand and start to walk out. Wait. I don't even know his name. Some place this is. Then again, I am the one working there. Working there. Me, JJ...'working there'. Such a nice ring to it.

"Oh uh-sir? What name should I call you?" I say as he's about to leave into the back room.

"Ben. See you tomorrow, JJ."

"See ya!" I walk out and into my car. I start driving back home.

Woah. I haven't even been able to process this. I, JJ Maybank, resident flop of Outer Banks, got a fucking job. Despite paying $8 an hour, I still have a job. I have the qualifications to be in the work force. Oh, how good this would be if I could shove this in my dads face. The disappointment JJ, has a job. Makes money. Can finally escape the personal hell you've created.

But, I know i'll have to hide it. From everyone most likely. It's not like I've spoken to Pope and Kie since my outburst. Honestly, I thought i'd be really upset not having them in my life. Not seeing your friends initially seems like the worst thing ever. But, as time when on, I realized that I don't give a fuck. I've never been happier, especially after escaping the hell
of Pope and Kiaras 'relationship'. It's probably just Kiara asking Pope to do shit for her and him saying yes. I mean, that's how our friendship was for a long time. 'JJ, fetch me my t-shirt? Thanks, ugh I love you so much!' 'JJ, watch me kiss every boy in our friend group despite rejecting you 24/7? Ugh JJ, you're the best friend ever!' Friend, such a loose word these days.

Now, I have even more of an excuse to avoid them. Forever. That'll save me the pain.

Kiaras POV

I wake up early Monday morning with Popes arms around my waist in my bed. He notices me waking up and starts kissing my neck slowly and saying words that resemble 'Hey' 'You look pretty' and other rambling.

"Hey Pope, good morning!" I weirdly get no response. I turn around, and Pope is fast asleep. Seems like I can't keep him entertained. You know who could keep Pope entertained? JJ. God, all i've been thinking about this past week is him. Not in that way, of course, but i'm just so worried about him. I know that he has been in a fragile mental state ever since John B and Sarah's death. He clearly took that anger out on Pope and I's debut as a couple. But, I still think about his comments on us as a couple. I really thought he would be supportive of at least that. Why does he care that Pope and I are together?

Wait, I know. Jealousy!!! Of course. JJ is sad that Pope is now taken by me and he cant hang out with him by himself. Aw, now I really want to talk to him. He obviously values their friendship and I disregarded that. I feel awful. I'll text him later today, if he hasn't blocked me by now.

I scroll mindlessly on my phone for hours when I get a call. The fuck? It's just 9:00 A.M....sketchy. I get up from the bed by slipping Popes arms off of me and going into my bathroom to pick up.

I put my phone to my ear and hear that it's the police. "Kiara, you need to bring Pope and JJ to the station immediately. It's about Sarah and John B. They are alive."

I hang up and fall to the floor. WHAT!!??? HOW? I need answers. Now. How is this even happening, what do I even think? I've been contacting funeral places for them and they are alive. This is too much. Too, too, too....
The voice in my head trails off as I subconsciously realize that I am passing out.

The world is full of surprises, isn't it?

Pining- JJ x KiaraМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя