The Tree had broken off mid-sentence.
This time, it looked even more bigger than normal. It warped upwards as its trunk extended like a large caterpillar. This time it looked like an actual huge tower.
The leaves were much harder to see as they touched the sky. Yet the red had disappeared and it turned colourless.

"Listen i am sorry-" Yet before I could finish off my apology. I fell to the ground.

My insides had frozen. My heart was pounding. I couldn't breathe. I gasped for air as I suffocated slowly.
I tried to speak, yet my body stopped and slowly I felt like I was near to death. I looked up at the tree, who was motionless.


I was on the edge of death. I could see a white light, yet rapidly it distinguished as I gasped for breath.

"Next time, DONT CALL ME A TREE!" Snapped the Tree.

I got to my feet, still traumatic.

"W-what the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled ferociously. My eyes, out of my control, were burning and my hands roared with flame.

"Wait. Please don't. I'll explain." Pleaded the Tree, whose smirk had changed quickly.

"I am a Tranara-
-Tranaras are mystical beings that give harvest to land. We protect-" The Tree paused and looked disgusted.
"-Humans. Especially royals. Like you, us magical beings are limited. Similar to how your family are the very few humans that have magical abilities. Our magic-less relatives are widely known as... 'Trees'"
Now the expression turned only into disgust.

"How many of your kind is there?" Asked I.

"In this dimension, Thousands. Yet gradually the numbers are decreasing. Our loyalty to the kingdom is far more superior than our free will. Our mystical powers is a huge alliance to the forces that fight in the war of Anguis. Yet even still- we are dying." Choked the Tree.

Perhaps it was the dark shrouding my eyes, yet the emotion made his face look intensely youthful. Yet even with this, I still couldn't fathom what was going on.

"The war of Anguis? I thought that ended centuries ago."

"For You it ended years ago. Young Ember. This is simply a memory. A long memory."
My heart sank. It couldn't be a memory. It felt so realistic. It had to be real.

"How? I don't even remember meeting you. If it was a memory, where is my 'memory self' and how can you speak to me?"

The Tree chuckled.
"You sure have a lot of questions don't you.
Well this is a memory of something that you encompassed, yet You have got derailed.
Therefore your, as you quoted it, 'memory self' isn't here because this isn't the part that You want to see."

"Part that I want to see? Wh-" Spoked I.

"Not yet. You asked 'How can I speak to you'.
As I repeated before, Tranaras possess mystical abilities due to the mystic blood that courses through our roots. The same blood that courses through seers, witches and many more beings. That being said, our powers are very specific and different. Since our blood component consists of mystic blood and botanique blood. We are gifted a sight that explores beneath the barrier of subconsciousness and consciousness. Whereas seers, for example, have mystic blood and Marhyine blood. They have the sight to explore beneath the barriers of time.
Which is ironic, considering they don't have any eyes."

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant