26- Girl in an All Boys School

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"The hell you on about 'I'm sending you to Zayden's school'? His school is an all boys school, mom!" I yelled at my mom as she told me the most horrific news ever.

"I know it sounds bad but I've talked to the principal their and-"

"And what?! You're gonna send me to a school with perverted guys and possible smoking drug dealers?!?!?"

"Uh, that's offensive, not all guys are perverted and drug addicts, Y/N", my twin brother, Zayden chimed in.

"That's not the point! The point is, I have to go to a school to pretend I'm a guy so the other boys there won't bother me!" I complained

"Sweetie", my mom said softly, "The school is going to be for guys and girls soon, you're just the first one and you're NOT going to pretend to be a guy. Besides, Zayden is going to be with you at all times to take care of you."

"Zayden can't even keep his pants zipper up, what makes you think he can take care of me?"

"I'm more mature and older by 1 minute and 43 seconds" he mocked.

Yeah, because that was definitely mature, I thought.

"Shut up, you turd", I sassed.

"Don't call your brother a turd, you start school Monday" mom said.

"Ugh. Fine. But if some guy is missing a nut, I'm gonna be standing there lookin all innocent saying 'I told you so'." I warned.


I walked through the halls, slightly behind Zayden, trying to avoid all the stares that were givin to me. The good thing is i had a choice to wear a skirt or trousers for the school uniform.

"Don't worry sis, you're not the only one who's going to decapitate these people if they get anywhere close to you" Zayden encouraged.

"This...is why we're twins..." I mumbled as Zayden moved me beside him when we entered the principal's office.

"Ah, you must be the new student, the first female to our beloved school, welcome!" The principal said. Not going to lie. He looks like he has an extremely low IQ for an adult and seems like he dropped out if college after the first 16 days. "Here's your schedule, I made sure you're in the same classes as Zayden"

We thanked him as we exited his office.

Zayden pleaded the way to our classroom.

"Okay... I have great friends in my class but... there's quite a few people there who don't always...behave" he warned.

"Ohhh, I get ya, I get ya. Don't worry bro. You know I can take care of myself"

"I know, but I'm always here" he says as we exchanged smiles.

As it was quite early with about 15 minutes before class, there were a number of people already there, messing around like loud, vicious, savage predators who all seemed to dramatically stop once we walked in.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here, Zayden?" Some guy said.

"Back off, C/N, she's my twin" Zayden answered back.

"Well don't get your balls in a twist, she's a pretty one there"

"Shut up, C/N, go back to the zoo, wanna introduce yourself, newbie?" Another guy said.

"Uhm. Y/N." I bluntly said.

"Uh, Y/N, this is Carson, my best friend" Zayden introduce.

"And I'm C/N, my love, must say you've got a fine ass ther-"

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