11- Sticky Notes Last Part

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The same day, when C/N exited the music room I went in and got another pastel sticky note and wrote;

I know I sound creepy now, but I saw that you kept the note.. I heard the piece you were playing but I know you didn't finish it. Please finish playing it soon. Your talent is really beautiful.

I smiled to myself and stuck the note down on to the piano.


I was heading to my locker when I left the music room and just before I made a turn to where my locker was, I heard C/N talking to his friends.

"Yeah. This person keeps putting pastel coloured sticky notes on the piano in the old music room" C/N said.

"Oooh, C/N has a secret admirer!" One of his friends teased.

"Shut up Alex. Besides, I don't even know if this person's a girl or a boy 'cause I'm straight"

"But you said you were gay yesterday" another friend said.

"Seriously, Jax? That was a bloody joke" C/N retorted.

I didn't know where this conversation was going so I just walked passed them, hoping not to get any attention to them.

"Hey, Y/N!"

I froze.

I slowly turned to see C/N standing in front of me.

I gained back my courage.

"What?" I asked.

"You owe me cash" said C/N

"For what?"

"For uno- getting me into detention and dos - not doing my homework" C/N said while smirking.

How could someone so talently elegant be so irritatingly arrogant?

"Aheh. Correction. Un - I didn't put you in detention because you were the one who was late yesterday, deux - since I didn't do your homework, you stole mine and didn't get in trouble so instead I did AND trois - I helped you clean half of the cafeteria last night. So technically you owe me for accusing, stealing and me helping"

I say with a smirk on my face, with an eyebrow raised.

I saw behind C/N that his friends were laughing because of my statements.

C/N growled at them and looked back at me.

"Fine" he said, slamming $50 in my hand and started to walk off.

And what I did next was a shock to everyone.

"C/N" I called out.

"What? Have another statement so you can get more cash off of me?"

"Well, I didn't but now you say it, I have a billion things that you owe me for. But technically your statements were more or less valid so here"

I said, handing him $60.

"Why?" He asked.

"Hey, I'm trying to be nice. Take it or leave it" I said.

Him and his friends stayed eye-widened and mouths hanging open as I got my books and headed off.


In class, I noticed C/N wasn't here.

"Does anyone know where C/N is?" The teacher asked.

"Probably ditching" C/N's friend said, who was sitting beside me.

The teacher sighed. "Well tell him he's cleaning the boys bathroom for detention"

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