21- Gifted Curse

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I'm Y/N. And I have this gift.. well.. I would say curse.

My mama said it's a special gift, but it fears me. Mama said grandma had this gift too. So mama thought it was a good gift. She was wrong. It was a curse. Until I met him.

I started realising I had this gift at the age of 6. I was walking home with mama from the park until I cried. Mama asked why I was crying. I told her there was a ghost behind a tree. It was a blue, smokey shadow figure. Its skin was torn on its face, chunks of bloody flesh around it. Pitch black eyes, staring at me.

I pointed at it, but mama couldn't see it. She asked if I could see other ghosts. I looked around and panicked at the many ghosts surrounding the park.

Different aged, some severely injured, some normal looking.

"Yes, mama" I told her.

Mama smiled at me. "You have the gift, sweetie. You can see ghosts"

"The ghosts look scary, mama"

"Oh, dont be silly " and we walked home.


Mama tucked me into bed. There was 3 ghosts in my room, luckily all normal looking. When I looked directly at all of them, they disappeared.

"Goodnight, honey" mama said, kissing my forehead.

"Night, mama"

As I was going to sleep, I was a small ghost figure beside my closet.

"H-hello?" I said as my voice shook in fear.

"Hi"the ghost said back. It was a boy.
The ghost boy walked forward, revealing himself.

He was pretty cute. Slightly chubby cheeks, messy hair and glowing eyes.

"Eh..I.. W-what's your n-name?" I asked, still scared.

"Dont be scared" he sweetly smiled. "I'm not going to hurt you. No ghost can hurt you. We're all nice. I'm C/N" he said, stretching out his arm.

"I..I'm Y/N" I said, slightly smiling, reaching out to shake his hand, but our hands passed each other.

"Oh, right"C/N said, eyebrows furrowed. "I cant touch you" he pouted.

"Well, that's okay.. uhm.. we're friends now... right?"I said, with hope in eyes.

"Of course" he said happily. "So how old are you? I'm 8"

"Cool, I'm 6!" I said smiling "Can I ask you something about ghosts?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Sure, ask away"

"How come some ghosts look scary, and some look normal?"

"Well, it depends how the person died. If they look scary and seriously injured, like, a bunch of ripped skin, they could died from a plane crash or something.

"If they look normal, they probably had a peaceful death, or had something like cancer"

"Oh, that makes sense. Uhm.. if you dont mind me asking, how did you die?"

"Oh.. from lung cancer"

"Aw. I'm sorry"

"It's okay, but you should probably go to sleep now, its getting really late"

"Okay but, am I going to see you again?"

C/N softly smiled at me. "Of course. Same time tomorrow night, same place here, or if you wanna talk to me, just summon me, and say my name 3 times"

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