17- Random

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Ok, first, this is a reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaallllly short oneshot, and second, its probably boring so, oh well. That's life for ya.



Nobody likes school. For multiple reasons.

It's boring, difficult, no one ever likes the teachers, detention...etc.

My reason for hating school? The most cliche reason of all.. bullies.

Oooooh the pain. And that's wasn't the only thing.

Cliche reason number 2. C/N.

C/N was my crush for about 2 years. And every time I was near him, i lose my breath instantly.

But now I'm married to him because of this random act.


I was one of the "nobodies" in school. Andrea was the most popular girl in school and C/N was the most popular guys so obviously all girls would be interested in him, including Andrea... and me.

So, typical day in high school, I was gonna go home when Andrea and her little minions came over to me.

"Hey, loser" Andrea greeted. "Me and my friends thought that you should go fuck your boyfriend if we give you some cash... oh wait.."

"She doesn't have a boyfriend!" One of her friends continued for her

And they all laughed as Andrea shoved me to the ground.

"Doesnt have a boyfriend?" A masculine voice said, as I looked up to see C/N. "We didn't break up, right?"
He asked as he pulled me up from the ground.

"I still love you though" he said as he pulled me in for a surprising kiss.

I stood there with my lips attached to C/N's , wide-eyed and heard many gasps in the background, with Andrea storming off.

"What was that?" I asked as C/N broke the kiss.

"Well I couldn't just let them bully you like that"

Oh.. so it was just an act.

"But I do really like you... so.. will you be my girlfriend?"

I squealed as I jumped on to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"Yes!" I said as I leaned my forehead against his.

The End
This was disappointing...
Well this escalated very quickly

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