5- Depression

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Warning: Contains depression, language and suicide attempt. Do not read if it may trigger you.

My dad- I mean step dad shouted at me, followed by a harsh slap across the face.

I was on the ground and as I looked up, I saw my stepmom angry-faced, my stepsister, Lillian, smirking at me and my step dad's face red of fury.

"I don't understand why you can't be like Lillian, here" my stepmom said.

"Well, mother, not everyone can be as perfect as me" Lillian boasted as she batted her eyes.

My head was lowered which gave me the opportunity to roll my eyes.

"Now.." my stepdad started. "You don't get to eat dinner tonight and you don't get your lunch money tomorrow. Maybe next time you'll think twice about coming home late"

And with that, they all left, probably to their rooms.

I sighed. I looked at the fridge. I didn't even want to eat anyway.

I dragged my feet, with the remaining energy I have left, to my room.

I locked the door and sat in my swivel chair in front of my desk.

I took a blade which was behind a picture frame of my mum, my dad and me.

Both my parents died in a car crash when I was younger, while I was at a playdate with my friend.

When my friends parents who found out about their death, I was sent to an orphanage.

The orphanage was the best place I ever stayed at after my parents died.

Everywhere else is a living hell.


I was 10 years old. 3 years after my parents died.

I played with one of my best friends, Sienna, in the orphanage when through the window, where the reception was, we saw two adults there.

The receptionist directed them inside our room, to one of the people in charge of this place, which my teachers call them administrators I think, which took me a while to remember.

I heard the two adults say they want the 'most perfect little girl in the world'.

I then heard the administrator say,

"Oh, why, Y/N is one of the best girls here".

Me and Sienna exchanged looks of worry as we never wanted to be separated.

The administrator walked over to me with the two adults behind her.

"This here is Y/N" the administrator said

"Well she looks perfect!" The woman said. "What do you think darling?"

"She looks like an angel" the man said.
"We'll adopt her"

"Good choice sir. Congratulations"

(Idk how orphanages work :p)

End of flashback~

I slid the blade across my wrist and pure, red blood came rolling down my arm.

The blood may be staining my arm but my eyes are dry and signs of tears we're not seen.

This was a normal routine. My arm is full of scars and fresh cuts.

The administrator said I was one of the best girls. I guess I wasn't good enough. Well at least not for everyone.

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