Chapter 5: Volt Blazeheart

Start from the beginning

I said, "No, it doesn't work, because I bought a DVD off your cousin, and it was in jibberish.".

I walked down one of the isles and I heard someone say, "Bottle of whiskey, and don't forget my change.". 

Mrs. Cobalt said, "Please." and I looked to see a guy pull a gun out on her. 

The dude said, "Let's go. Before the price goes up for my protection. The full payment is due. Now. Make sure you have my money ready, Cobalt. I don't like to wait." and Mrs. Cobalt handed her money over and the guy left.

I bought my stuff in silence and left in silence and head to my apartment building.

I chilled on the couch with a beer in my hand.

The Next Day*

I headed home cause I was feeling rather sick and stuff when I got to my apartment.

I drank two bottles of beer and I chugged an entire bottle of water before heading to my fridge and grabbing my leftover steaks and ate them raw while I still felt like shit.

I hurried to the bathroom and puked up my guts in the toilet.

This went on for some time before it stopped and I groaned.

I asked, "What is wrong with me?" as I walked over and started brushing my teeth.

I spit the toothpaste in the sink and looked at my reflection.

I heard a deep voice say, "Volt.".

I screamed all girl-like and was launched back into my shower.

I went out for a walk thinking it might do me some good.

It didn't and I headed back home and started eating everything I could.

It was soon nighttime and the voice in my head said, "Do not open that door.".

I asked, "Huh?" and I heard a knock at my door.

I walked over to my front door and I opened it only to get pushed back and surrounded by some goons and they said, "Stay put.".

The main goon came in and said, "Hey, Volt.".

The voice in my head asked, "Who the fuck is this guy?". 

The guy said, "I'm gonna need Mr. Adrian's property now." and all of the goons aimed their guns at me.

I put my hands up and the voice in my head said, "What are you doing?". 

I said, "I'm, uh... I'm putting my hands up.".

My hands were forced down and the voice in my head said, "Well stop. You're making me look bad.".

I forced my hands up and said, "I... No, I am not.".

The voice in my head said, "Yes, you are." and my hands were forced down.

I forced my hands up and said, "No, I'm not.". 

My hands were forced down and the voice in my head said, "Yes, you are!". 

I forced my hands up and said, "No, I'm not.". 

The voice in my head asked, "Why would you do that and make me look weak?". 

I said, "Cause it is a very sensible thing to do.".

The head honcho said, "Volt.".

The voice in my head said, "I will take care of this myself." and I asked, "What?". 

The head honcho asked, "Eddie, where's the bug?". 

When I didn't answer him, he said, "Take him down." and three of them tazed me.

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