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"Be careful, one step at a time." I softly told her as we climbed the stairs leading to the front of the mansion — her home.

"You know how impatient I am." She smiled at me.

"I know." I kissed her temple. "But you just got out of the hospital, without eating. So you're weak, you need to do things with care, okay?" I said to her and she rolled her eyes.

"Yes sir." She smiled at me.

At the door, a woman stood with Elena.

"Tia." Gabriella said with a smile to the woman.

It's her aunt.

"Take it easy Gee." Elena said as she held Brie's arm to support her.

They took her inside and just when I was about to step in, her uncle blocked my path.

"Exactly what the hell are you doing?" He rose his brow at me.

"I want to see Brie." I told him straight without a spec of fear on my skin.

"Who?" A scowl appeared on his face.

I hesitated then spoke. "Gabriella." It's so hard for me to call her that. She's Brie, my Brie.

"I'm afraid that can't happen. Go home now."

"Antonio, let him go in."

I turned back and saw Ariana.

"No, I care about her health, unlike you. He's not coming in. You made a mistake and now I have to fix your mess, like usual." He rolled his eyes then faced me with an emotionless expression. "Go home or should I tell the security to kick you out."

"But—" I tried to speak but he cut me off.

"Go. Home. I won't say it again."

Three seconds passed and I still stood there stubbornly until I felt weak. I hesitated to move but I ended up leaving.


I drove and found myself in my family's estate. I wanted to go to Uncle Nathan's house for confrontation but I took a detour and landed myself in my... parents'....house.

It was like the house was calling me.

The guards were shocked to see me, so were the staff of the mansion. The door slid open. The whole place was as quiet as a graveyard. I went straight to the stairs, and headed to the big library. the door divided as it slid open. I saw her immediately, she was coming down from the little stairs that someone could climb to take books at the top.

Both her lenses and eyes were focused on the pages of the book with a red cover.

I'm guessing she noticed someone was in the library, she turned back and was startled a bit.

"OH! André, you scared me a bit. You're.. you're here?" She asked and I saw the happiness in her eyes.

"Yeah." I raked my hair with my fingers.

This is kind of awkward but at that point, I was desperate. And I needed her.

I walked to her and then took her hand.

"Please just come." I was at the verge of crying and she noticed immediately.

"André?" There was fear and worry and love in her voice.

I guided her to the long white couch in the library she always loves to sit on as she read her books. She sat down on the couch and looked at me as I sat down beside her. The next thing I could think of was to talk.

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