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The rest of my day was pretty much normal. Andrea and Kylie and the others asked why I didn't return from my visit to the Principal's Office. I told them absolutely everything that happened.

Except for the all parts that included Andre's attitude towards me.

I got to interact with everybody in the class and the other Falcons in the other classes and got everybody's phone number.

We were all finally complete.

Well, that's what I thought until they said one was remaining. Some girl named Kourtney, then I was informed that she's Kylie's younger sister.

Soon it was the end of School when the electric bill rang loud. Everybody stood up as the teacher said her final words before leaving the class. "Remember to read page 348 of your text book."

"Read page 348 in your Marketing text book." Natasha spoke to her iPhone.

"Uhh Nat. What are you doing?" I was confused.

"Doing a reminder on my phone so I won't forget. She hanged her bag on her back.


Devenity then entered. "Hey dumb face, mom's here."

Delilah rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag, bade us a bye and left the class.

Devenity was about to leave the class but she turned back and came to me. "Hi Gabriella, please can you give me your number?"

"Uhh sure." I called it out for her as she saved it in her phone.

"Thanks, I'll text you." I smiled at her and she left.

"See you guys tomorrow." I said to them.

"Bye." The three of them said simultaneously.

I left the class. I was about to take the elevator but as I saw many students there, I decided against it and took the stairs.

This is going to be a long way down.

In the middle of my journey I started hearing footsteps, at first they were small, but then as I went down more, they became bigger. I was a little bit uneasy but I just shrugged it off.

As I kept on going, the sound of the footsteps became bigger and closer to me, it was like as if someone was direct at my back. As I stopped, the footsteps stopped. I began to panic. I spun around fast like a ballerina, only to hit someone by my spin. I immediately closed my eyes.

Wow, whoever this is, well the person is tall.

I opened my eyes and looked up to the face.

My eyes widen.

Oh no.

I quickly shifted back. "I...I...I'm...I'm....s-s-s-s-sorry." I stammered as I looked at the floor.

Andre nodded as he didn't even look at me for a second.

I spun around and started walking quickly.

What is wrong with me?!

Ughhhhhhhh...why did I stammer??!!

I sounded like a stuttering buffoon.

As I walked fast, I could hear his footsteps at my back.

Is he following me?

I was almost at the exit of the building then I went to my locker to take my Marketing Text Book.

I was confused. I quickly spun around to meet him. "Why are you following me?" I gave him a questioning look as my forehead creased in confusion.

He gave me a bored expression then rolled his eyes. "Don't deceive and flatter yourself thinking you're important that someone would want to follow you. I want to collect my book from my locker."

I gritted my teeth while thinking of something mean to say to him. "Are you blind or you're just stupid? Your locker isn't here."

He chuckled nastily. "I think you're the stupid one because by the left side of you is a locker which boldly says 'LOCKER OF AN EAGLE'." He smirked.

I looked at it.


I guess he's not following me.

I but my lip.

No! Release, the lip!

There is no way I'm acting like those stupid Wattpad naive girls that enjoy bruising their lips for no good reason.

He went over to my side and opened the locker and brought out a Biology Text Book for the Grade 12.

Suddenly Jake, Drake and Wes came. "So who's house are we meeting in?" He asked Andre.

"Definitely not mine, I'm still cleaning up yesterday's party. I'm just happy that my Dad is still in South Africa for his business trip and my mom's in India visiting my Grandmother.

I opened my fingerprint locker and brought out my Marketing Text Book.

The words of Andre replayed in my mind.

"Don't deceive and flatter yourself, thinking you're important that someone would want to follow you."

"I think you're the stupid one because by the left side of you is a locker which boldly says'LOCKER OF AN EAGLE'."

In anger I slammed the door of my locker loudly, making everybody look at me.

I looked at everyone in the hall, looking at me. They were all confused of why I did that. Even Andre was shocked of the sound.

"Gabriella? Is everything okay?" Jake asked me.

"I'm umm fine, sorry. Excuse me." I walked quickly away from them but that didn't stop me from hearing Drake's words. "Andre, I don't understand what's going on between the both of you, but we need to talk."

Talk? Talk about me?!

I walked out of the building and quickly brought out my phone from my bag and dialed Mr. Anderson's number. Immediately, he picked.

"Hello Mr. Anderson are you here in my school?....Ok, I'm coming out with Adela right now to the car...Thank you." I cut the call and kept on walking fast.

It didn't even occur to me that I could have just taken a cart. Ughhhhhhhh.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for reading. Please do not hesitate to hit that vote button and to comment about the Chapter.

I'll soon update my next Chapter, "Group Chat {Part One}"


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