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The drive was silent with her just looking outside through the window and me stealing glances from her. She looked lifeless but still, it didn't reduce her beauty.

The silence broke as she finally uttered a sentence.

"He stole it, didn't he?" She said not looking at me.

"What?" I was confused.

"I'm not, aren't I?" She finally gazed at me. I saw the pool of tears standing in her eyes. "He took it. He stole my innocence. He took it right? He took it from me. You're just lying that he didn't just to make me feel better." The tears fell like a waterfall from her eyes.

"Shit, no. No he didn't. I swear." I stopped the car by the side. I unbuckled her seatbelt and undid mine. "Hey come here." I said and she came to me quickly as she cried softly. "Shh shh. Don't cry. He didn't. I came and I stopped him immediately. He didn't even undress you. I came and I stopped him. Shh don't cry."

"But what about if you didn't come? He could have gotten away with it. I'm so foolish. I know how I am when I'm intoxicated but I chose to be ignorant." She blamed her self.

"Hey its not your fault. The victim is never at fault." I said but she kept on crying.

It was better if she poured it out. I'll just comfort her. After some time of tears and me running my hand up and down her back while placing kisses on her head, she calmed down a bit. Suddenly an idea popped up in my head.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I asked her and she rose her head looking at me with confusion and tears on her cheeks. "Wait..." But what surprised and confused me was the fact that her make up and my black T-shirt was in tact, except that it was soaked a bit. But other than that, there was nothing smudged on her face. "....why isn't your makeup smudged or drenched with tears?"

"Kylie's whole make-up set including her mascara is water proof, and also my mom showed me her trick on how not to smudge my make-up no matter the situation or condition I'm in. She's a renowned expert when it comes to Make-up." She said and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. She smiled at me and that boosted up my happiness.

"So will you accept my date?"

"Uhh...." She looked uncertain.

"Please. I promise I would never hurt you." I assured her and after some seconds of silence, she spoke.

"Alright." She said and I was overjoyed.

We got out of the car and I turned to her. "Let's go for a walk." I spoke and he smiled at me. During the walk, I made her talk by bringing up topics to talk about. It was hard at first, believe me it was so hard but I didn't surrender. She laughed, giggled, smiled and even blushed. My plan was to make her forget about the incident. After some time she looked uncomfortable. I asked her what's the problem and she gave me an answer. I couldn't help but mentally laugh at her. Its not by force.


"My feet. They hurt. Kylie's heels are killing me." She said then huffed. I couldn't help but snort. "I'll just remove them." She wanted to bend down but then I brought up another choice.

"Or I can give a Piggie back ride."

She reacted like a kid with so much joy. "Yes!"

I squatted and she hopped on me. I stood up with her placed well on my back as I held her legs.

"I'm heavy, are you sure about this?"  She asked as I moved with her.

"Heavy? You're light as a feather."

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