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After Elena's call yesterday and I ended up lying that I did it, the next morning came and I was seated between Vannie Flair from Falcons B and Scarlet in the assembly hall while a teacher was addressing us when I got a text from someone. A smile drew on my face as I read it.

"Morning baby, did you sleep well?"

Back with the nicknames again. I mentally rolled my eyes but still I answered him. "Morning and yeah, I did. What about you?"

"I slept extremely well 'cause I dreamt only about you throughout the night😉."

Yeah right. "How many girls have you told that to?🤔🙄."

"Only you😗😉."

"Oh really?😏......I soooo believe you🙄."

"I know you won't believe me tho😒."

"Yeah yeah😁."

"You look beautiful by the way😘😋."

A blush crept up on my face.

Where is he anyway? I asked myself as I looked around. Suddenly another message popped up from him.

"Don't bother looking for me, I'm not in the hall🙃."

"Wait....how do you know I was searching for you?😑"

"Because I'm watching you through the hidden cameras 👀."

"The school has hidden cameras?!, and you know about it❓"

"When your best friend is the Student Body President and you're also the Student Body Vice President of the school, it comes with a loooot of perks."

"Hmmmm. So you're watching me💁. Creep🙄."

"It's called admiring the beauty of a girl🙈."

My cheeks were flaring up. If I were a white girl, I would have turned into a tomato by now.

"You're even more beautiful when you blush."

I couldn't help but bite my lower lip to stop me from blushing again but it was still noticeable that I was.

"I miss you. When can I see you again?"

"I miss you too. We can meet at the back of the bleachers."

"Nahh. That place is usually occupied by nerds and wallflowers. Let's meet at the garden at the top of the building."

"I hope I don't see you with Chloe again, like before."

"I promise you, nothing like that will ever happen again. Let's meet during the first lunch time."

"OK it's settled then."


I reached the garden as soon as I heard the bell. I was so excited to meet him again and yess, I missed him-- a lot. I miss his kisses, his warm lips and his tender touches.

But to my surprise, no one was there. I was a little bit disappointed and then immediately I became impatient.

I decided to call and tell him I'm at the garden but he didn't answer. I tried again but he didn't pick the call.

I sat down on the beautiful wooden floral painted bench and sighed and waited for him to come.

I pray he gets here soon.


I paced around a side of the garden as I typed a message on my phone.

"For fuck's sake where the hell are you?!"

It's remaining only ten minutes till the end of lunch and he still hasn't come. He hasn't replied to my messages nor my calls. I can't believe he stood me up!

That bastard!

I have never ever in my life been so patient for someone. I am never doing it again!

My stomach growled for hunger. I pitied it. It hasn't received food for some hours.


Five minutes passed and still he hasn't come.

Four minutes and fifty seconds passed. It was only remaining ten seconds for it to be lunch time over and after lunch, I had Political Science. Though I was a Commercial Student, I still had a thing for Politics.

The bell chimed loud and lunch was over.

Wow so that moronic Caveman had the effrontery to stand me up. I really shouldn't have had any hope. I'm an idiot. A big one!

"Damn I'm such an idiot!" I started to pace around the Garden angrily again. My stomach grumbled again. "More like a hungry idiot." I said and exited the garden and went back to my class.

I'm so stupid.



Earlier at the CCTV room.

I looked at the messages I sent Gabriella that was filled with emojis. Mostly from me. Then I stared at her face in the computer and watched her smile as she read my messages.

I looked at my messages again as my eyes studied the contents. Then I realized something.

Rules that I have kept sacred for years have now been broken, just because of her.

I stared at her once more.

Is this right?


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