44. LIES.

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The next day came, still, nothing from Andre. Wednesday also came and went but still, nothing. Other days passed but nothing about him. It was like he disappeared. I never saw him at school anymore. He never came online or maybe he blocked me or something. I don't know. He never came over to his locker whenever I was there. His car was nowhere to be found. I didn't even see Jake, Drake and Wes anymore, they all just....disappeared.

A week later, I was with the girls in Falcons D class when I just couldn't hold the question anymore.

"Have you guys seen Andre?"

Andrea raised an eyebrow at me from the desk she sat at.

"What?" I casually asked her.

"W-w-w-w-wait, why are you asking of Andre?" Miley Nevil asked me.

"Exactly." Andrea folded her arms with a stern look on her face.

I wonder why.

Everyone, both the boys - even Peter rose his head and looked me.

"Umm nothing, I was just asking considering I haven't seen him since Monday."

"Alright I guess." Peter said and didn't even bother to answer my question and focused back on his phone as he furiously tapped on it.

"Well to answer your question. Yeah I have." Andrea said still with her arms folded.

"He's........around." Kylie hesitantly spoke.

"And when you mean around, you mean he's with your sister." Andrea rolled her eyes.

"Courtney?" I asked immediately.

"No." Kylie creases her forehead. "Chloe."

What?! What are they doing together? When are they always together? And most importantly, why are they together?

Millions of questions ran through my mind.

"Why are you concerned about where is he anyways?" DJ finally spoke.

Andrea butted in and spoke. "Yeah you sound like as if you snuck behind my back and the both of you went on the date." She said and they all bursted into laughter.

"What do you mean we snuck behind your back? Didn't you—"

Scarlet cut me off. "But she wouldn't do that." Scarlet giggled nervously

"Of course, I trust her." Andrea smiled at Scarlet.

Oh my God!

H-he lied to me.

I-I can't believe he lied to me!

I believed him and trusted him but he ended up lying to my face!

That asshole!

When Andrea finds out about this, I will be dead. She will destroy our relationship with no hesitation. All because of Andre.

"Its good as you didn't. Andre is no way good for you." Andrea spoke in a mom like tone.

"Or for anyone." Kylie added.

"Andre is too deceitful disloyal and heartless. Gabriella definitely does not deserve a guy like him."

"But Andrea you saw with your eyes when Andre said he's sorry last week." Scarlet defended him.

"Oh please Scar. I know my brother very well. He can go to any extent to woe a girl. I can't believe you of all people is defending that moronic asshole. Well sadly, his plans didn't work." She smiled at me and I forced a weak smile to my face.

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