Part 14

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"Please, sit."

Pulling out my chair, a servant watches me curiously as I sit down nervously. She has probably never seen someone so uncomfortable in their surroundings. I've never been to an extravagant dinner like this; packet ramen was probably the most expensive thing I've eaten.

Candles are littered around the balcony, casting a soft glow onto the table. A single rose sits in a narrow vase, the delicate red petals almost see through in the candle light. Champagne is brought in by yet another servant, and carefully poured into crystalline glasses. Taking a sip from the glass, Alpha Kin Yoongi tastes the alcohol slowly, savouring it as if it was nectar from the goddess.

"So, Kitten, do you like the pack so far?"

He leans forward, dark eyes locked with mine. I resist the urge to look away.

"Um... yes?"


A servant brings in the first course, served in a silver dome. Inside that dome was the smallest portion of food I'd ever seen. What a pathetic excuse for dinner. I shove the food into my mouth, and am delighted when a second course is served. Then a third. And a fourth.

We eat our way through five courses, in a comfortable silence, and end with a coffee for me, and a dark coloured alcohol for him. But the best thing in this entire meal is the dessert. If Heaven was a food, this was definitely it. I was so engrossed in the food, I didn't notice Alpha Min Yoongi chuckling.

"You have.... cream on your nose."

Shit. I try to wipe it off with my napkin, but by Alpha Min Yoongi's persistent laughing, I don't think I managed to get it off.


Leaning across the table, Alpha Min Yoongi takes a napkin, and removes the cream, chucking the napkin to one side. But instead of sitting back down, he keeps his face inches from mine, staring into my eyes. I blush, and he smirks slightly, before sitting back down.

"So... Alpha Min Yoongi, have you dated anyone?"

Why the fuck would I ask that question? Am I stupid or something? Why can't I make small talk without making it awkward? Picking up his glass, Alpha Min Yoongi swirls the rich liquid around, and his eyes stay planted on the ground.


Downing the entire glass in one go, he winces at the bitter taste. After a minute of quiet contemplation, he looks up, and smiles at me.

"Please, call me Yoongi."

"Ok." I reply, not knowing what else to say.

Dessert goes on in awkward silence, and when finally Alpha Min Yoongi stands to leave, he asks me something odd.

"Do you have a father?"

"Of course."

"I mean, do you know your father?"

"He left."

"Okay. Are you sure you don't remember him in anyway."

"I might. I might not. Why are you asking anyways?"

"No reason."

We walk back to our rooms in awkward silence, and I sigh in relief as soon as I close the door to my room. The food might have been good, but the conversation definitely wasn't. Stripping off the dress and heels, I stood in the shower for ten minutes, letting the water run over my body, relieving the tension and stress. I step out, dry myself with a thick white towel, and walk to the enormous walk in wardrobe.They are numerous pyjamas, and night gowns, but they seem too fancy to me, with their frills and bows. Instead, I pick a plain white T-shirt, which falls just above my knee.

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