Part 5

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"Wake up Tae Mi. Wake up."

I open my eyes, to see the concerned hazel eyes of Alpha Min Yoongi. As soon as he sees I'm awake, he immediately lets go of my hand that he was holding tightly, and looks away, as if he was embarrassed.

Where am I? Shouldn't I be dead?

I peer around, trying to take in my surroundings. It seems that I'm in a medic tent, and from what I can see, my wounds are stitched and bandaged. But Alpha Min Yoongi and I are the only people in the tent. I'm with him. Alone. And that bastard's mood swings are not that enjoyable. I should probably get out of here.

I sit up quickly, and gasp at the pain it brings. Well, at least I can feel the pain, so that means I'm not dying. I must have torn a stitch on my stomach when I sat up, and I can already see little spots of blood on the bandage wrapped around my torso. Alpha Min Yoongi's eyes deepen to a colour blacker than midnight, and he places a hand on my shoulder, trying to push me onto the bed. He touches one of the many wounds on my body, and I wince, and he immediately lets go.

"Lie down Kitten."

"Don't call me kitten"

"I can call you what I like, kitten."

"Why can't you call me by my name, Tae Mi"


"Then why were you calling me Tae Mi before and Kitten"

He just glared at me, and I glare back. The atmosphere was tense, and the amount of dominance radiating off Alpha Min Yoongi nearly made me want to just curl into a ball and whimper, but I held my ground. I'm just about to look away when one of his Betas walk in with a nervous pack doctor trailing behind him.

"Awwww, they're fighting. They're like a couple already"

"Shut your fucking ass up Jin."

The doctor bows deeply at Alpha Min Yoongi, and makes his way to my bed. He sits on a chair next to my bed, and proceeds to unwrap my bandage.

"Don't talk to me like that young man. I'm older than you. Aish, kids these days." replies Jin.

"Have you forgotten I'm your Alpha." Alpha Min Yoongi says coldly.

Jin looks at him reproachfully, before sitting on my bed, the movement causing me to wince a bit. Alpha Min Yoongi saw, and pushed Jin off the bed. Jin fell on the floor with a loud thump, and shook his head slowly at Alpha Min Yoongi, before walking out of the tent, tutting the Alpha and muttering under his breath.

The doctor starts stitching my wound, and god that hurts like a bitch. Alpha Min Yoongi slips his hand in mine, and I squeeze it gratefully. His cold guise drops for a minute as he runs his fingers through my hair soothingly, his touch calming. The doctor finishes his last stitch, cuts the thread, and starts to wrap a clean bandage around my torso, and Alpha Min Yoongi's eyes narrow slightly as the doctor hand lingers on my stomach for a bit longer than necessary, but he doesn't do anything thankfully.

When the doctor leaves the tent, I pull the Alpha's hand to my chest, breathing in the warm scent. Wait. What the actual fuck? Why am I doing this again? I drop his hand, and pull the blanket higher up my body, up to my neck. The Alpha's cold expression returns, and any trace of the loving, caring person before was gone.

"Excuse me. Alpha Min Yoongi." I say.

"Don't call me Alpha Min Yoongi Kitten, call me Alpha instead."

The sheer nerve of that bastard.

"So... Alpha. What's the catch? Why did you bring me here and why did you save me from the slut?"

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