Part 7

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Growling, I approach the glinting eyes, keeping myself wary in case of attack. As I gradually get nearer, I realize, this is definitely not the brown wolf from earlier. This wolf seems bigger, stronger and much more dangerous. Shit.

Emerging from the shelter of the shadows, and stepping into the moon's dim light, the wolf's eyes flicker like dying embers, sparks of red dancing in a background of coal black. He towers over me, his thick fur so black it's almost purple, and muscles rippling with every movement. Tilting his head to the side, he looks at me puzzled, as if he was trying to figure me out.

Backing away slightly, I lower my head, not wanting to challenge the wolf, because then I would be in a shitload of trouble. However, I do still sniff the air curiously and Oh moon goddess. That scent. Chocolate, wood fire and warmth. I could breathe it in all fucking day.

As I'm standing there, sniffing the air, the wolf growls slightly, and I look up, slightly alarmed. But I can tell he didn't growl in a threatening way. More of a, I'm bigger than you and you need to submit sort of way. As much as I don't want to submit, I really don't want to get into a fight with this big ass wolf.

But my annoying af ass decides to run. Because that is obviously the most logical thing to do in this situation. I walk away, trying to put as much distance between me and the wolf, looking back now and then to check if the wolf is chasing me. Surprisingly, he isn't. Picking my pace up to a sprint, I dart between the trees and shrubs littered through the forest, my padded paws barely making a sound of the crisp leaves.

Wait. What is that noise? I hear a growl from behind me. Running faster, I look back quickly, and there he is. That little motherfucker was following me the whole time. Growling back at him, I move as fast as my tired legs can, and try to lose him by twisting in and out of the trees. Unfortunately, this wolf seemed to be pretty good at running fast. As I glanced back, I could see his legs moving so fast they were almost blurred, his eyes glinting with mischief.

He managed to catch up with me, and as hard as I tried, I could not run faster than him. But I kept going. I'm not going to show this bastard that I give up that easily. You know what? If he wants to chase me, he can chase me.

I come to an abrupt halt, and the wolf shoots past me, going to fast to stop. In your mother fucking face bastard. I turn, and sprint as fast I can in the opposite direction, zigzagging in between trees and bushes to slow him down a bit. No doubt he'll follow my scent, but what if my scent is everywhere? He'll never be able to find me then.

Finally, I stop for a rest in a clearing in the woods, the moon's ethereal beams casting a bright glow. The water droplets clinging onto the webs and leaves reflect the light like crystals, and make the small patch of land seem almost magical. Breathing in the cold, crisp evening air, I close my eyes, finally feeling at peace for once this evening. Allowing all the day's pent up stress and worries wash over me, I let go of them, and it feels like I've taken a weight off my chest. After collecting my thoughts, I open my eyes slowly, and gaze up at the twinkling stars in the sky. Counting the constellations, I smile internally, reminiscing about the times Hyun-Tae would take me out to the woods, and show me the stars to distract me from life. As I'm getting all sentimental, I feel a set of burning eyes on my back, and my fur immediately pricks upwards.

Who and what is it? I turn, and see the eyes of the wolf again. How could he have tracked my scent? That bastard. Fine. If he wants to follow me around like some creepy fucker, I may as well put up a fight. As he hesitantly walks closer to me, I leap at him, my jaw open wide and aimed at his neck. He takes a step to the side, and evades my move with ease. Growling and baring my teeth, I roll to a humiliating stop on the mossy ground. In my defense, I'm not thinking straight at the moment. The trauma of the attack at sunset, the wounds and running away from this bastard have finally taken its toll.

Trying my best, I dig my claws into his abdomen, but this seems to have little effect of the wolf, and he just stands over me, growling. Shit. I shouldn't have fought a big grown ass wolf. What was I thinking? Ah, that's right. I don't think.
The wolf shifts slightly, as if he's uncomfortable, and accidentally steps on my tail. I yelp, and he steps off it in alarm, but I won't let that bastard get away that easily.

Raising my paw to his face, my claws strike his muzzle, leaving a line of red. The dripping crimson is so contrasting with the backdrop of purest black, and I lay there on the ground for a moment, stunned. He seems stunned too, and stands there in shock. However, he snaps out of it,shakes his head, and growls. Shit, shit, shit. Scrambling up, I retreat slowly, trying to make myself as unnoticeable as possible. Hopefully, I can run off before he even realizes I'm gone.

The wolf seems like he's having a fight with himself. Pacing back and forth, he keeps tossing his head and pawing at his muzzle, whimpering slightly. Surely the cut is gave him couldn't be too painful. I doubt he even felt it. So what's that bastard fussing over? He lays on the ground, and buries his head with his paws, as if he's trying to block out the world around us.

Finally, he stops fussing, removes his paws from his head, and growls with a startling ferocity. He stands and turns, and all I can see is black. His eyes aren't warm and mischievous now, but as cold and unforgiving as Satan himself. I gulp as I stare into the inky orbs of anger.


Sorry, this chapter is slightly shorter than usual.
But don't worry, I'll write a longer chapter next time.
Keep in mind that I aim for my chapters to be 1500 words 😂

How's quarantine going on in your country?
Here in Britain it's been 39 days I think, and still no sign of anything opening up. So I'm just sipping my tea and eating my crumpets, writing for you guys and binge watching Netflix.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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