Part 4

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Please do not read this chapter if you don't like violence, as there is quite a lot in this chapter, and some parts are described in detail.


At the end of the Choosing Feast, at midnight, all the packs Shift for the Choosing Ceremony. The full moon heightens male senses, allowing them to find their mate. The majority don't find a mate, but because of the amount of testosterone those males have, they would probably find someone to hook up with. However, This supposedly prestigious event was essentially an excuse for loads of werewolves to fuck.

The moment the moon rises at midnight, senses and hormones rise. The stronger and the higher up in the pack you are, the more you feel this. That's probably one of the main reasons why Alpha Min Yoongi is such a man whore.

The Choosing Ceremony is infamous for people losing their virginity. And I am adamant that I WILL NOT loose my virginity to a stupid horny mutt. But I'm not sure if my stubbornness can fight natural instinct.

Midnight is an hour away, and I needed to get to the forest clearing before then. I stumble out of the feasting hall, grabbing onto the door frame to support my drunk body. My make-up was smudged and my dress had stains on it. I probably looked stoned and crazy, but who gives a fuck.

I grab onto the tree trunks that line a gravel path to the clearing, clutching them for support. I trip on a tree root, falling into a shrieking collection of girls. These girls were probably 18 and they looked like strippers. Their cleavage was definitely helped by surgery or pads, there dresses had hardly any material on them, it would have been exaggerating to even call them dresses.  Their make up looked almost comical in the wine red sunlight and their high pitched giggling voices annoyed the shit out of me. They cackle, the jarring sound causing me to wince. I shouldn't have drunken that much alcohol.

One of them steps over my body, and I try to crawl away, but another grabs my ankle and pulls me back.

"Hey, little omega, let's have some fun."

A female grips my hair, making my head to tilt back sharply, and drags me over the gravel path and onto a wet grassy area in the middle of the field. I don't protest, that would make the situation worse. But of course me, being drunk and hyped up, did something worse.

"Get off of me bitch" I mumble.

I try to get rid of her hands, biting down, hard enough to draw blood. The female screams, and cradles her pathetic hand to her body, and points an accusational finger at me. Shit.

Another one of those banshees kicks me in the ribs, and I immediately draw my knees to my chin, and my hands to my face. I've been in too many situations like these, and I know how to protect myself, at least enough to not die. I feel multiple heels kick my sides, head, legs, everything.

I just lay there, defeated. If I tried to fight them off it would become worse, so I silently put up with the torture. Although my pack would treat me like this often, they would try not to kill me, to avoid scandal. But these bitches were ready to kill. I could feel the blood that coated my body, and the gouges made by their talon nails.

One of them grabs my arm, and steps on it, causing a loud crack to echo through the silent night. I scream, the sound echoing through the forest trees. I try to scramble away, but obviously my drunken state made everything spin and I just submitted myself to their torture. I feel a putrid breath by my ear.

"Guess what bitch. Alpha Min Yoongi is mine. Not yours."

What is wrong with that fucking Alpha? My entire day has been a shit show because of him. And why did the slut care? Oh. She must have been one of his past lovers. And she most definitely did not want me touching her 'property' judging by her crazed determination to beat me up.

"So little Omega, since you took my Alpha"

she runs a finger along my jawline.

"I'm going to have to kill you"

She slaps my face, but I stare at her, maintaining eye contact even though my cheek stings, and everything hurts so fucking much. With the last strength I have, I spit at her face. She looks at me outraged, wiping the mixture of blood and saliva off her face.

"You bitch." She says.

She shouts at the other females.

"This bitch thinks she can mess with me, should I teach her a lesson?"

The other females nod. They back away from my battered body and allow the bitch that's standing above me a wide space. The bitch crouches down next to my face.

"I think I'll have to ruin your little face so that no one can stand to look at you"

She takes a knife out of her bra, removing the leather wrapped around the silver blade, which glinted in the setting sun. Of course that bitch had to choose silver. Silver and wolvesbane are deadly to werewolves, and because of their properties, werewolves can't heal quickly from wounds caused by the substances.

I grimace, but keep my eyes open, staring at her defiantely as she drags the knife lightly across my face, burning my skin, but not puncturing my skin yet. She glares at me, challenging my gaze, until I have to submit. I hate this submitting bullshit. I'm going to die, here, humiliated and broken.

I struggle in her grip, her nails digging into my forearm. I feel the blade puncture the skin of my neck, leaving three horizontal lines before the bitch carries on marking my collarbone, leg, arm and abdomen. I close my eyes, biting my lip, not wanting to give this female the satisfaction of my screams. I feel her add more pressure onto the knife on my abdomen, pushing down harder and harder, twisting the blade. She removes the blade, and I gasp, feeling blood pumping out of the wound. She smiles, and starts cutting my thigh in a sawing motion. I curl into a fetal position, and give up.

I am just an omega, defenseless, beaten, drunk and I have no choice but to submit and this bitch, this slut, this she-wolf of the fucking devil, decides to cut me everywhere, most probably thinking this is a fair fight. I think the fuck not.

The knife suddenly stops sawing, and I hear the blade clatter on the ground somewhere. I hear a voice, high pitched and pleading, cut off by a crack. I feel blood on me that is not mine.

Hands lift me up gently, and I feel a hot breath by my ear, and the person who speaks is clearly in anguish.

"Kitten. What have they done to you?"


Who do you think the rescuer is? (It's pretty obvious)

This chapter was a bit dark, but I wanted to include an example of how badly Tae Mi is treated.
Also, remember she has to submit to those females, otherwise she would have beaten the shit out of them.

I haven't edited this chapter yet and it's shorter than usual, but I haven't had that much time to write recently.

Also, I'm prepping for BangBangCon with my pretend ARMY bomb because this girl is broke.

Next chapter coming soon...

Hidden by the Moon || MYG Werewolf AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें