The right decision

Start from the beginning

"How could people do that? Dr Webber? Abuse the kids, torture them and when the kids act out they are sent to Juvie, I had a friend I who was in juvie, he said it was hell. And on top of everything, it stays on your file for life,"

"People do all sorts of things to make themselves feel powerful,"


"Yeah, the feeling of having power over something or someone is dangerous, O'Malley, it can be," Richard said as he sighed.

Outside the OR room, Mark was preparing to be scrubbed in, he was washing his hands when the door opened to reveal Renee wearing her surgical scrubs, her hair tied up as she placed her hand on her chest and took deep breaths.

"You are late," Mark said as she joined him and tied her surgical scrubs and mask.

"So are you," She shot back as she tried tying her scrub cap.

"I had to make faces for Jane Doe, what's your excuse?"

"I went to Issac's tree,"


"It helps me to mentally prepare myself,"

"Mentally prepare?" he asked.

"Yeah, I need to mentally prepare myself to not shout on you when you screw up," Mark laughed sarcastically.

"I am not going to screw up, I am good, I am the best,"

"You are the best on the West coast," 

"How do I know that you are not going to screw up?" Mark narrowed his eyes at her.

"Because I am the best in America," 

Daphnie Miller's surgery went well, they had to perform Mastectomy which meant that they had to remove her entire breast and parts of her underarm along with a part of her lung, Mark had done an amazing job on reconstructing her breast. She may need to have some rounds of Chemo and perhaps radiation but for the time being she was almost cancer-free.

"We are done, O'Malley, I need the post-op updates every few hours," Renee said as everybody scrubbed out.

"Yes, Doctor,"

"And O'Malley?"

"Yeah?" George stared at her.

"Get her out as soon as possible,"

"Yes, Dr Foster,"

Renee was sitting on the couch in the attending's lounge, a coffee cup in her hand, a letter in front of her, her glasses on her head and a phone in her other hand, she was deep in thought when Derek opened the door, it had been a couple of days since they had talked to each other, both busy in their own lives.

"I heard Ellis Grey died on your watch," Renee said as he came to sit beside her. 


"How's Meredith taking it?" She asked as she sipped her coffee.

"She's taking it surprisingly well, incredibly well," Derek said taking the coffee from her hand and drinking it.

"Hey, get your own coffee," 

"What were you doing here alone?" 

"Making a decision,"

"So, what decision did you make?" 

"The right one,"

Derek looked over at her, she looked confident in her answer while he didn't have any idea what her decision was going to be he knew it was a right decision and he knew he needed to support her.


She was sitting in the same spot for quite some time now, Derek had left after some time leaving her in complete silence. She was going on about her decision in her head over and over again making sure she was doing the right thing. Bringing the glasses down to her eyes, she picked up the letter and dialled the number before taking a long breath.

"Hello, San Diego police,"

Mark was waiting for the elevator when Derek joined him, the neurosurgeon nodded at him when the elevator opened to reveal Addison and Renee standing at the two opposite corners, he smirked as he entered standing in front of them before Derek joined them. The awkwardness loomed in the air as everybody avoided making eye contact with anyone, once or twice someone cleared their throat, the ride became painfully slow.

"How about drinks tonight, I'll pay?" Mark suggested.

"I'd rather choke," Addison said.

"On what?" Mark smirked as Renee closed her eyes silently groaning.

"Shut up," Addison said as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Renee, what about you?" Mark asked her.

"I'd rather die than have drinks with you," She said dryly.

"So no then?" Derek asked as he looked at her.

"Hell no, I never give up on free drinks beside I never miss the chance to make Mark a little less rich,"

"Your $100 won't make any dent on my bank account," 

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