Chapter 32: Mess Up

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For the next 3 weeks, I go and see Tom everyday. I sit down next to him, telling him about everything that is going on in the world, like if everything was normal. I even got offered a role, but I said I would get back to them, because I would need Tom by my side. I can't make a decision knowing the state he is in.

I would never go across the world if he was ever like this, and I need to be here when he wakes up. If he wakes up. I need to tell him I'm sorry, and that I love him.

I was in our apartment, wearing one of his sweatshirts, and just lying in our bed, missing his presence. I heard my phone ring, and it was the hospital. I immediately answered the phone, not knowing if there was going to be good news or bad.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hello, is this y/n Osterfield?"

"Yes, this is she. Is everything alright?"

"Tom has woken up from his coma."

The call continued but that's all I needed to hear. I thanked her and ended the call. I jump out of my bed, grab my keys, and my phone and run out to my car. During the drive I call the Hollands and tell them the good news. Their son, my fiance is finally awake.

I arrived at the hospital, and ran through the doors. The front desk lady knew me, since I have been here everyday, and let me go to his room. The door was closed and I stopped.

What if he didn't want to see me right now? He is probably really mad at me. What if he doesn't remember me? I didn't exactly hear the rest of the phone call, and I could have missed that.

I pushed back all of my questions, and turned the doorknob and opened the door. I walked in and Tom and I made contact. "Y/n," Tom barely makes out. That's all I needed to hear to make tears stream down my face.

I run over to Tom's side and grip his hand. "Tom, I'm so sorry. I should have never left. I was just upset and mad, and I thought leaving was the best thing to do-"

"Love," Tom started. I missed him calling me that so much. "You don't have anything to apologize for. I'm sorry, I should have said something when Haz came over."

"I don't care about that right now, I love you so much. These 3 weeks have been the worst. I didn't know if you were going to wake up, and I never want the last thing of us is me leaving. I shouldn't even have left," I started to ramble.

"I understand why you did, and I'm not mad at you at all. I just want you to know I love you more than you could know," Tom says. I lean down and I kiss his chapped lips, not caring he probably hasn't brushed his teeth in weeks.

Once we break the kiss, he sits up on his hospital bed. I held his soft hand, and for the first time in 3 weeks, he held mine back. We sit there in silence until he says, "Is it just me or whenever there is something wrong in this relationship, it's because of Haz?"

"Yea, I haven't talked to him since that night," I say. Another silent moment happened until I said, "Do you think he will ever approve of us?"

"I-I don't know." After a moment he adds, "Are we doing something wrong? He did approve of us dating, but then he suddenly flips out."

"We didn't do anything wrong. What's wrong with being with someone you love? Plus he did let us. These weeks not having either of you was the loneliest time of my life," I say. "I never wanted to lose either of you."

"It seems like as long as we are together, we just push Harrison away," Tom says. Once again, we sit in silence, not knowing what is going to happen.

"Do you think we shouldn't be together? I would never want to come between your friendship," I say tears threatening to come out.

"I don't want to lose you," Tom says, tears building in his eyes as well.

"I don't want to lose you either. I can't live without you."

"Who says we will stop that. We can just go back to being friends. I know it will be hard, but if we want Harrison in our life, we will have to," Tom says. Now tears are streaming down my face. Tom is the love of my life, and I can't live without him.

"Okay, so this is it," I say and I let go of his hand.

"I guess it is." I began to walk towards the door, before I stopped when my hand touched the door handle.

"Tom," I say and I turn around. I see that there are tears streaming down his face as well. "I love you. I probably always will."

"I love you too," Tom says. I stood there for a second, trying to comprehend all that just happened and then I walked out of the hospital room.

Harrison's POV

I got a call from Nikki telling me Tom was awake. Yes, I know we are in a fight right now, but I need to see him. I need to make sure he is alright.

I drive over to the hospital, and they walk me over to the room Tom was in. The door was already slightly open, and I could hear two familiar voices from inside.

"It seems like as long as we are together, we just push Harrison away," Tom says.

"Do you think we shouldn't be together? I would never want to come between your friendship," y/n say. They both seem broken. Yes, I know that I told them that they shouldn't be together, but I don't want to see them both get hurt in the end.

"I don't want to lose you," Tom says.

"I don't want to lose you either. I can't live without you." Was I wrong about this all along?

"Who says we will stop that. We can just go back to being friends. I know it will be hard, but if we want Harrison in our life, we will have to," Tom says.

"Okay, so this is it," y/n says.

"I guess it is." I could hear footsteps walking over to the door, so I moved out of the way so they wouldn't see me.

"Tom," y/n says. "I love you. I probably always will."

"I love you too," Tom says. They just broke up because of me. They put me in front of their happiness just because I was out of their lives for 3 weeks. This is what I wanted right? Did I just mess everything up?

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