Chapter 2: The Dinner

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It's been 2 weeks since Tom has told us about the movie, and I still haven't gotten a call. The Hollands and my family always had family dinners like every other week, for as long as I can remember. It has become an unspoken tradition. Today, the Hollands hosted the dinner at their house.

I enter Holland's house, welcomed by Nikki and Paddy.

"Y/n!" Paddy exclaims, jumping out of the couch to give you a hug.

"Padsters! How's my favorite Holland doing?" I ask.

"I feel so loved right now," Haz says standing next to me. "Hey Nikki!" Haz says walking over to the kitchen to give her a hug. Then I do as well.

"Hey Haz. Hey y/n. The rest of the boys are out back," Nikki says as she makes dinner. We thank her and I head outside with Paddy and Haz.

We headed to the backyard and I saw Tom, Sam and Harry all talking on the porch. "What's up Hollands?" I ask, sitting on the chair next to Sam, Tom sitting across from me.

"Hey mates. We were about to play some basketball out front if you want to join?" Harry asks.

"Alright, but prepare to lose. We both know, I never lose," I say, jumping out of the chair to head to the front yard, and everyone follows.

"I call being with y/n!" Paddy shouts, running next to you.

"Of course, kid. We will kill them all," I say and giggle. "Now, who else will be on the winning team?"

Harry shouts quickly, "Me!" Everyone glares at him and he says, "Oh, come on. We all know y/n is the best player here." Everyone laughs and we start the game. I check the ball to Tom, and he bounces it back. I dribble and pass it to Paddy. Once I was open, Paddy passed the ball back to me, and I shot the ball. Swish.

"Ooo, mates, we are off to a good start already," Harry says. We continued the game, Tom passing it to Paddy, and him passing it back. Somehow, and I don't know how Tom tackles you to the ground, making him on top of you.

"That has to be a foul," I say while laughing.

"Of course, love," he says then winks at you. Something is going on with Tom, but I ignore it and go back to the game. We ended when the score was 31-24. I won obviously, with the help of Paddy and Harry.

"Oh, come on boys. Really, you can't beat a girl and a kid who is 10 years younger than you? Plus Harry, I mean, he isn't the greatest," I say, and Harry gives you a glare. I ruffled his hair and went inside because it was time for dinner.

"Hey, y/n your phone is ringing," says Tom and he picks up my phone to hand it to me. I look at the caller ID and it says 'Kevin Feige'. This is it, I will know if my life has changed.

"I uh, got to go. I will be right back," I say, running up to Tom's room, locking it shut. I quickly answer the phone.


"Hi, is this y/n Osterfield?"

"Yes, I am."

"Great. I am Kevin Feige. I am gladly to inform you that you got the role of Ivy Ryan in the upcoming Spider-man movie. We start shooting in 2 weeks, so will you. I will email you more information. Congratulations, I can't wait to start working with you."

"Thank you so much! Have an amazing day."

"You too, good-bye."

I got the role. I got it. Once I hung up and screamed. Tom is banging on the door, so I unlock it and he comes barging in.

"Y/n what's wrong? I thought you were dying or something," Tom says with a panic expression.

"I got the role. I auditioned for your movie without knowing and I got the role of Ivy Ryan. Tom we are going to be working together!" I say, almost screaming.

His face went from confused to excited real quick. "That's amazing, love. I can't wait. This is going to be awesome," he states. Again, he called me love, what is with that. I can't focus on that now though I have to tell everyone.

I run down the stairs, almost falling and scream out, "I'm going to be in the new Spider-man movie!" Everyone cheers and claps, congratulating me. We continued the night by eating dinner, talking and playing more games out back. This isn't real. I'm going to be in a Marvel movie. This is the best day of my life, yet it will only get better.

Brother's Best Friend (Tom Holland x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon