Chapter 27: If You

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It has been a week since we told Harrison. He avoids talking to either or us, and he tries to go out as much as he can to get away from me. Tom and I haven't been hanging out either, because we want Harrison to figure his feelings out.

It's easier for Tom and Harrison not talking, but Harrison and I live together. This whole week Harrison has a modeling job, going to the shop, dinner and more excuses to get away from me. I try to act as normal as possible, like nothing happened, but it breaks my heart to know how much Harrison hates me.

He is currently in his room, hiding from me. I need to talk to him, and he needs to talk to me. I don't just want to tell him that everything will stay the same, but I want to hear how he feels. He has every right to act the way he is acting because we were hiding it from him, but he has no right to tell us we can't be together.

The most Harrison and I talked this week was asking where he is going, and then he replies and leaves, so this might be difficult. I walk over to his bedroom, and knock on his door.

"What do you want?" Harrison says. I open the door and walk in his room. He is currently sitting on his bed on his laptop. I go over to his desk, and sit in his chair.

"I think we should talk about everything," I say, and Harrison rolls his eyes.

"Remember how the last time went when you wanted to talk."

"I know, but I want you to talk to me about the situation, and your side of this," I say. He just looks at me with a blank expression.

"You really want to know how I feel? I feel like the two people that I trust the most in my life just lied to me for 8 months," Harrison says, and I can feel how hurt he is, and he should be. "And about that they were together. My sister and my best friend, I don't even want to think about you guys together."

"You have every right to be mad at us for lying, but you can't be mad at us being together. I'm so so so sorry for keeping this from you, but I do really love him," I say.

"Why him? Out of all the guys, it had to be my best friend. I already hate the idea of you dating guys, but if something bad happens between you two, it becomes awkward for me as well," Harrison says. I have never thought of it that way. Harrison is impacted a lot more in this than I thought. We both just stay silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"It just happened Haz. I honestly don't even know how it happened, but you have to know I didn't say yes at first because of you. I never wanted to hurt you, and if I knew it was going to go on for that long, I wouldn't have said yes. You're my brother, my best friend, and I never want to lose you in my life," I say, feeling the tears in my eyes, but I hold them back.

He doesn't say anything for a moment. He just looked at me, broken. I caused him to feel this way and it's my fault. As much as I love Tom, I can't lose Harrison from my life. I need him, and if that means I can't be with Tom, doesn't mean we can't be friends.

"Look, I love you, but I also love Tom. But if that means me and Tom can't be together just so you will stay-" I started.

"No," Harrison says. "I just want you to be happy y/n. I don't want to see you get hurt by anyone."

"What are you saying?" I ask.

"If Tom makes you happy, I want you to be with him," Harrison says. A smile grows on my face and I run onto Harrisons bed jumping on him to give him a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I say then kiss him on the cheek. He starts to laugh and I get off of him.

"But I need to do something first," Harrison adds. A smirk goes onto his face, and he gets off of his bed and walks out of the door and out of the house. What is he doing?

Tom's POV

I'm sitting in my living room, watching TV, when I hear my front door open. I look over my shoulder and I see Harrison. I jump up from the couch, knowing this is the first time I have seen him in a week. "Uh h-hey Haz, w-what's up?" I ask, not knowing if he's going to kill me.

He doesn't say anything, but he walks towards me. He's going to kill me, and punch me in the face, I thought. I hold my breath waiting for the impact but then I feel his arms wrap around me. I hesitate for a moment, but hug back. Is he drunk or something? He literally didn't want to even look at me yesterday, but now he is hugging me.

He releases the hug, and so do I. Suddenly he grabs the collar of my shirt and pushes me back to the nearest wall. Now I'm going to die. "If you break her heart, I will kill you with my own hands, got it?" Harrison says. I nod my head fastly and he lets go of his grip.

"I'm sorry but what just happened?" I ask and he laughs, while I chuckle nervously.

"You should have seen your face, you were confused, then scared, it was hilarious," he says, laughing his butt off. Once he finishes laughing he says, "I'm sorry about how I reacted, I just want y/n to be safe."

"No, mate, I'm sorry. We should have never kept it from you," I say.

"Well I forgive you, but I swear if you-"

"Yea I got that," I say and we both chuckle.

Brother's Best Friend (Tom Holland x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum