Chapter 6: Training

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It has been a week in Atlanta, and we start shooting next week. Tom and I start training today for our roles, but mostly me since he has done this before. Ivy Ryan is a character who is the love interest of Peter Parker but the antagonist at the same time, so she needs to be inshape.

During the week here, Tom has been acting odd around me. He would come into my room, for no reason and just to talk. He keeps calling me love, even though he usually just calls me darling, and he keeps kissing my cheek. I mean I'm not complaining, but I can't like my brother's best friend. That's like a rule or something.

I wake up to my annoying alarm at 7 in the morning. I rub my eyes, not wanting to wake up and slowly roll out of bed. I walk over to Tom's room, knowing he won't wake up unless I do it myself.

I open his door, and I walk over to his bed and start jumping on it and say, "Wake up you div. We start training today." He groans and rolls over.

"I want to sleep, y/n. Wake me up never," Tom replys, in a raspy voice that makes me melt.

"I don't care. Get your lazy butt out of bed," I say and I pull him out of his bed. He falls to the floor, and I start laughing at his laziness. He just glares at me and I smirk, and walk out of his room to get ready.

I brush my teeth, and put my hair in french braids. I am already pretty fit and stuff, but I need to learn boxing for my role, which I am excited for. I love trying new things for working out, and Tom has told me how much he loves it. I put on a pair or black Nike shorts, with a black bra and a grey muscle shirt.

Once I got my shoes on, I went out to the kitchen to make myself a strawberry smoothie. I yell from the kitchen, "Tom, would you like a strawberry smoothie?"

"Yes, thank you love," he replies, still in his room. I make both of the smoothies and I sit on the counter, waiting for Tom. I realized that we had to leave in 10 minutes, so I went to his room to see what's wrong.

I open the door and I see Tom standing in-front of me, shirtless. Wow, he really does have abs. I have seen him shirtless before but damn. I look up and I see him look me up and down. What was that for?

"Oh sorry. But we need to go. Get a shirt and let's move it," I say handing him his smoothies. He just nods and winks and puts on his shirt.

We finally head out the door and drive to the gym, to where we were working out. We arrived at the gym and I started to stretch and I could feel like someone was watching me. I turn around and I see Tom quickly moving away, blushing. Was he just staring at me or am I going crazy?

I continue to stretch and then I started with abs, and Tom started with cardio. We both have a boxing lesson at 8:45 and it's currently 8, so we could workout beforehand. I switch to cardio and I look over to see Tom, doing pull ups.

I can see his muscles flexing and oh my it was hot hot hot. He was sweaty and so concentrated, and can I say it is a very good look for him. Stop staring it's creepy.

Time went by and it was time for the boxing lesson. Our trainer George, helped me wrap my hands, and put on the gloves. I felt very empowered and I looked like I was going to kill someone. We started going over each move, and I did very good, I think. Once we were done, we sat on a bench, for a water break and I posted this:

 Once we were done, we sat on a bench, for a water break and I posted this:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instagram

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@y/n.y/l/n: No matter what anyone says, I did better than Tom:)

View all 362 comments

@tomholland2013: Whatever you say, but I think you're wrong.

@harrisonosterfield: I don't know who to vote for, my sister, or my best friend.

@zendaya: yess girl power.

@username1: get it girl

@username2: how can someone look that good after a workout?
"Really, love. It wasn't a competition," Tom says after seeing my post.

"Oh, yes it was," I say back. We went home and we both shower, and got ready for the rest of the day. Zendaya and Jacob are coming over to hang out, and I get to officially meet them. I visited Tom once, and went to set, but it was a Spider-man day and neither one of them were there, so I am extremely nervous.

They were just coming over and I think we are ordering food and just hanging out. I am sitting on the couch, watching TV when I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over and I open the door to Zendaya and Jacob.

"Hi, y/n. It is so great to finally meet you," Zendaya says.

"Yea, we have heard so much about you," Jacob adds. I say hello and welcome them in and Haz and Tom come running in saying hi to their best friends.

"I missed you all so much," Tom says hugging Jacob and Zendaya.

"We missed you guys too. The holy trinity is back baby," says Jacob.

Zendaya walks over to me and whispers, "I am so glad I'm not stuck with these annoying babies." I chuckle and we all sit on the couch, and talk for hours. After ordering some food we all wanted to play a game.

"How about truth or dare," Haz suggests. We all agree and we start playing the game. Jacob ate horseradish, Haz admitted he peed his pants in 3rd grade and more hilarious stuff.

"Tom, truth or dare," Zendaya asks Tom.

"Truth," Tom replies.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Zendaya asks and everyone's attention goes to Tom.

"What are we 1st graders? But yes I do have my eye out on someone," Tom answers. My heart sank a little when he said this, but he is Tom Holland. I'm sure he has models and actresses waiting in line to date him.

"Ooo, who's the lucky lady?" Jacob asks.

"Nope. That wasn't part of the truth now was it? Maybe next time," Tom said with a chuckle. The rest of the night goes on and Zendaya and Jacob leave. I already felt super close to both of them after one night of meeting them.

I can tell that this movie is already the best thing that has happened to me.

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