Chapter 7: Best Friend's Sister

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I could barely sleep last night, I was so excited for today. It's the first day of shooting for the movie. It was 4am and I knew I wasn't going back to sleep, so I went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee.

I sit out there for an hour, reading the script again, and I see Tom walking out of his room. He jumps a tad when he sees me laying on the couch. "Y/n, what are you doing up so early?" Tom asks while grabbing a mug.

"I can ask you the same thing. I just couldn't sleep because I'm really excited, and nervous," I say.

Tom pours himself coffee and sits next to me on the couch. "Love, you have no reason to be scared. You're going to do amazing today, no doubt in my mind," Tom says as he puts a hand on my leg, and my heart skips a beat.

Tom and I sit on the couch, talking, watching movies and other stuff for the next 3 hours. We have to be on set at 8am and we are 10 minutes away from set. It's around 7am so I decided to take a shower, and get ready.

Tom, Haz, and I went to set and go to hair and make up. Tom and I share the same hair and makeup trailer, so we got ready together. "Haz, can you go get me a coffee?" Tom asks Haz.

"Yea, I mean that's my job. Y/n, you want anything?" Haz asks.

"Yea, can I have (coffee drink) please?" I ask. He nods and leaves the trailer, to get the coffee. The hair and makeup only took Tom about thirty minutes, but mine is taking a bit longer. I can see him staring at me, and when I look at him, he looks away, but I can see him blushing in the mirror. Haz finally comes back, and we all start talking, until we have to get the costumes on.

My hair is tightly curled, and the outfit I'm wearing is a black leather jacket, with a white cropped shirt, black ripped jeans, and black combat boots and do I say I look really good. Today we are shooting the scene where Peter, Ned and MJ all meet Ivy at school.

I walk on set, looking like a badass. Once I got there we started shooting. I could see that Tom could not take his eyes off me. It kept making me blush and I think he could tell. Throughout the scene Tom kept stuttering his lines, when he wasn't supposed to and he kept messing up.

I pulled Tom aside for a second and asked, "Are you okay? You seem distracted."

"Oh yea. I'm great love." We finally finished the scene and it was time for lunch. I ate in my trailer, because I would soon have to change for a different scene. Suddenly Tom walks into my trailer, with food of his own.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask Tom as he sits down next to me.

"What, I can't eat lunch with my favorite girl?" Tom says. What does he mean 'favorite girl'? I thought he had his eye on someone? Maybe it's me. Who am I kidding it's Tom Holland, it can't be me.

For a half an hour we talked and laughed, just like we were in London. "You did really well in that scene. You looked really good too," Tom comments. He moves a tad closer to you but then Haz walks in interrupting Tom and I's conversation. I move away from Tom, so Haz doesn't think of anything of it. "What are you guys doing?" Haz asks.

"Nothing, just having lunch. Why what's up?" Tom asks, just like nothing was happening. I mean nothing did happen, and nothing was going to happen.

"I have been calling you for 15 minutes, they need you on set you div," Haz says. Tom checks the time and him and Haz run out the trailer. Before Tom closes the door, he winks at me and mouths good-bye. My heart flutters, and my cheeks are red.

I finished all of my scenes, and so did Tom so we invited Jacob and Zendaya over to the apartment to watch a couple of movies. We got to my apartment and I went to the kitchen to make popcorn, while everyone else was in the living room.

I wait for the popcorn and I'm facing the microwave until I feel a pair of lips on my cheek. It's Tom. He sits up on the counter with a smile on his face. "You did really good today, love," he says. He slightly chuckles, probably because of how hard I am blushing right now.

"Thanks Tommy," I say, while taking the popcorn out of the microwave.

"When are you going to stop calling me that?" Tom says while laughing.

"Never, because I know how much you hate it," I say with a smirk. I poured the popcorn into bowls and handed them out to everyone. Tom sits on the end of the couch next to me. Next to me was Jacob, and Haz and Zendaya were on a smaller separate couch.

"So what should we watch?" Jacob asks.

"How about Jaws?" Haz suggested. Everyone agrees and Tom puts on the movies. Tom and I are sharing a blanket. Half way through the movie, I accidently touch Tom's hand under the blanket. I quickly pull away. Shoot, I didn't mean to do that. Oh my gosh, I don't want to be here anymore, I can feel my cheeks burning up.

Tom grabs my hand under the blanket and interlocks his hand in mine. Oh my I'm holding Tom's hand. Oh my gosh Haz is going to kill me. If I could get any more red I am. But I didn't want to stop. Tom is always a gentleman and he is super sweet. Maybe I do like Tom.

What if I'm the girl he is eyeing? I mean that would explain him calling me love, him staring at me, and him holding my hand? Is that possible though? He is Tom Holland? I'm just his best friend's sister.

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