Chapter 9

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Nick was in a strange predicament: naked in a small body of water with his medieval ancestor. Don't you just hate it when that happens?

He turned to see that Robin, just like him, everything but snout and up submerged, was inching towards him. Nick instinctively shifted further away, only for Robin to get closer.

"Hey, hey, relax," he mumbled, reaching out as if Nick was a lost child. "One fox to another, I think it's time ya introduced yourself."

Nick began to sense that Robin was just as flustered and confused as he was. Robin was just better at hiding it. "I'm sorry," Nick replied, rubbing his temples. "There's just so much going through my mind right now." He swallowed hard and ran his tongue across the roof of his mouth, which suddenly felt like a hair dryer had been taken to it. "Nick. Nick Wilde."

"Nick Wilde." He cracked a smile again. "No middle name?"

Nick's eyes broke contact as he reluctantly answered. "Piberious. It's Piberious."

Robin chuckled, covering his mouth with one wet paw and extending the other towards Nick.

Nick froze a second before latching on.

His hand feels so much like mine. Why am I even focusing on that? His grip is different than mine, though. It's kinda like...O MY GOSH HE'S BREAKING MY HAND!

"Oh, sorry about that!" Robin swiftly released him, and Nick swung his paw around as if the pain would fly off. "I do that without thinking nowadays. Too many hand shakes with snotty nobles and such. You'll get used to it."

"Maybe," Nick giggled, covering all but his head again in the water.

"So Nick, mind explaining where it is you came from? And what's this strange thing?"

Robin had somehow snatched Nick's gun, and was now tossing it from hand to hand, occasionally pointing an eye down the barrel.

"What! How did you...when did you get that!?" Nick splashed towards him, sure that someone was about to have one more hole in them than they should.

"How strange!" Robin flicked it a few times. "Is it perhaps some sort of nutcracker?"

"It will be if you point it the wrong way! Give it here, its dangerous!" He held his paw out and gestured sternly, but Robin instead forced his head into the water, all the while not taking his gaze off the weapon. Nick fought against Robin Hood's paw and managed to resurface, his head thoroughly soaked and ears hanging behind.

Robin closed his eyes, shaking his head and clicking his tongue mockingly. "Impatient fox. Answer my question and I just might think about it."

He opened his eyes to see that the black object was gone, and in its place was his own tail. He beamed at Nick with an impressed look, then at Little John, who had apparently dazed off and had no clue what he was so excited about.

"Is it, now? You've got skills, Nicky! It's not everyday Robin Hood is outfoxed!"

"It's Nick. And thank you...I guess? That was nothing. I didn't think it would actually work," he admitted, as he sat the gun on the ground and slid it a good enough distance away.

"I was fascinated, and you took advantage of that! But, don't expect to get away with it again. I can play that game, too,, Nick."

"Oooohh..." Robin and Little John both released a pained noise, causing Nick to swing around and face them.

"What!? What is it?

Robin hoisted himself onto the ground and casually kicked the water. "What happened to the back of your head there, Nicky?"

WildeHood: A Zootopia and Robin Hood CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now