Chapter 14

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Hello everyone! I know it's been several months since I posted, so thank you for being patient, because I wanted this to be perfect. I've really felt myself growing as an author lately, mainly thanks to the growing number of fans and overwhelmingly positive feedback from not only many of you, but people in my personal life. Thus, I will be taking some time to revise the previous chapters, because there are moments (for instance, all of Chapter 4) I am just not happy with. If I want this book to go big, I need to be as happy with it as everyone else is. Construction on earlier chapters won't take very long, though, so, same as always, expect another chapter within the next two months. I've also received questions on my rumored book featuring human characters based on my family's history and local Appalachian folklore. I will probably have to finish WildeHood before that will see the light of day, but I will say, if you love The Chronicles of Prydain or Zelda as much as I do, you are going to love it!


Nick was experiencing a feeling he had never felt; split down the middle, or perhaps like a book with half the pages ripped out. He had arrived at his dream destination through a road of nightmares, and he would no doubt have to travel the same road to get out. But here, with Robin, he was content enough to not care if the whole thing was a dream, or how long this process would take, and decided to once again stay calm and put the worry off until something could actually be done; that is, either he found the mystery fox, or the mystery fox found him. Either way, that was a meeting he dreaded. The only thing he remembered about the creature was that his intentions, whatever they may be, were sinister ones. He had long ago accepted he had no control over what was about to happen to him, and to Robin.

The two foxes were each carrying as much gold as they could, and had been walking in silence for at least five minutes; but it was not an awkward silence. Nick was saved from that possibility by way of the forest itself. He and Robin were equally amazed by it, despite the later living in it. The shades were pitch black and streaked with sunlight. It was much cooler beneath the trees, and Nick was suddenly, strangely at ease.

Robin cleared his throat. "Look at the sky."


Nick stopped, but Robin kept walking.

"What?", he asked louder.

"Oh, nothing. Just don't want you getting a crick in your neck. You've been looking down an awfully long time. Is something wrong?"

"A little bit," the other fox replied sarcastically, but not too harshly.

Robin chuckled, then tilted his head so that his black, beady eyes pierced Nick's. "I'll be glad for you to get settled in with us. For however long you need, and then some. That's what I do, y'know. But you, needless to say, are a special case," he chuckled.

Nick fought to keep a few stray bags of coins from falling out of his arms. "I hope its soon."

"Is now good enough for you?"

Nick's features shriveled in confusion. They were right back where they started, at the waterfall where they had met. Robin skillfully strode across the pond on several stones, and finally to a small piece of land where the waterfall ended. Behind it was a narrow cave that gently sloped upward with each step. "Careful. It can be a little-", he lost his footing, but caught himself by thrusting a paw to each wall. "...slick, huh, in here."

Nick, however, reached the other side with few complications. Even though he had only spent a few seconds in the cave, his eyes needed time to readjust as he stepped out the other side, eyes wide and all four paws clenched tightly in anticipation.

WildeHood: A Zootopia and Robin Hood CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now