Chapter 15

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An enormous root shot out of the ground at Sir Guy's feet, casting a stone upwards that turned the arrow aside. Sir Guy startled, kicking backwards so quickly he fell, then bounced up and ran back from where he came. By the time Robin had turned, both Sir Guy and the root had disappeared.

The tentacle-like root submerged as quickly as it had appeared, and the ground fell back into place, as smooth and compact as before. Even the grass stood upright, undisturbed. Nick, however, felt the opposite. It felt as if that root had slapped him. Taunted him. It made him want to curl up into a ball. His mouth was left completely agape for far from the first time since waking up in Vixen's cage. There was one more impossible thing for Nick to explain to Robin, before he had even begun to explain himself.

He climbed out of the tree slowly, his whole body shaking nervously. He reminded himself of how Flash might have felt when climbing off a tree. Robin remained on the ground, silent. Nick slowed his pace further, uneager to have another strange conversation with his ancestor, and perhaps a little more frightened at the fact that at any moment, any tree in Sherwood Forest could apparently slap him.

Robin hopped up and grabbed his sword, using the hem of his shirt to wipe some mud off the blade. "Ugh, well that was quite the interruption. Too bad he saw my trap and ran away! I almost had him!" He bent down and ran his paw through the grass, then shot a glance at Nick. "Oh, Nick, step over a little bit."

Narrowly giving him enough time, Robin yanked up a thread, and a large net of grass and twine sprang up from where Sir Guy had been standing only moments earlier.

Nick gazed up at the thing, realizing how well camouflaged it was for him to not see it from his branch. However, his usual amusement of Robin's actions fell away more quickly than usual. "But, the arrow- I- why are you brushing this off! He just tried to kill you! Well of course, you were about to win, cause the net, but-"

"Arrow?", Robin interrupted. He turned in all directions before finding the arrow Nick had shot. After bouncing off the rock, it pierced the ground at a downhill angle, giving the impression it landed where it should have when being fired from above. He yanked it up and stared at the branch Nick had been hiding on. "Not bad. Perhaps you are ready for arrows."

"Ok, but I- can we please just- he ju- he just tried to kill you!"

"I know, wasn't that embarrassing? I can't believe I let him do as well as he did!", Robin scorned himself. "He's an idiot! How horrible!"

If Robin were anyone else, Nick would have broken down at this moment. How could he be so...oblivious? Nick had shown up out of nowhere, bathing on his property and bashed in the head, yet he had taken him in like a lost, harmless child, despite everyone else they'd come across trying to kill him. "Just what is it you see in me?"

Robin paused, his eyes widening as if the answer was obvious. "Me."

"What do you know about me?", Nick asked, trying to be sincere. "You must know more than I think you do to trust that I'm not trying to skin you alive."

Robin looked as if everything Nick was saying was going in one pointed ear and out the other

Nick sighed heavily, realizing there would be no better time in the near future for this conversation to take place. "Robin, can we please just take a minute to talk?"

Robin smiled as if he were hoping for this outcome. "Just as we are, but preferably sitting."


Vixen's cheek burned as someone slapped across his face. He was laying on the floor of his treehouse. His head rose and quickly searched for his attacker.

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