Chapter 5

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Blood puddled on the floors of Marian's bedroom. Little John took a rope from the wardrobe and coiled it around Robin's throat. He gasped out for air a-

"Is it too tight?" He pulled off the rope and Robin collapsed to his knees.

The day after King Richard's departure, which had been a week now, Prince John sent out a message to all the lords and counsel members, ordering them to meet today to discuss what shall be done in the kingdom in Richard's absence. As excited as Robin was to see his good friend, Harvey, he knew he'd first have to undergo the gruesome task of being formally clothed, which Little John and Marian gleefully volunteered for. They knew they were in for quite the show.

When Robin hit the floor, he realized his paw had landed in blood."Johnny, your finger's bleeding again."

"What? No it ain't.".

"It's all over the floor."

"Where? No it ain't."

"It's all over my hand."

"Oh, there it is."

It was the second week of August now, which meant Robin's favorite time of year was nearing its end again. He loved these late summer days. The castle's apple trees were fuller than Lady Kluck, a few early crab apples now spersed among the greenery. The very feeling of the sunlight embracing him and the breeze brushing down his back brought back such memories of his many happy days running and splashing in the woods, even if he was being chased half the time.

This time last year was particularly grand: after four years of separation, he and Marian had been reunited. Alas, the warm sunshine, an abundance of apples to shoot at, Marian at his side; none of that could lift the sinking dread in his stomach. The other lords despised him, and not lightly. Several of them had attempted to end his life more times than he could count, and yet he never ignored his duty of showing up to these meetings. If Richard were to ever come to his senses, arrest one of them, and ensure their slow, painful, death, he'd miss the whole thing!

On top of it all, he was physically down. He had both caught a cold from someone at Richard's going-away party, and hurt his shoulder from overusing his new bow. He'd spent the last four days laid up in his tree hole, eating leftover soup, and whittling designs all over his present from Otto. He hadn't fully recovered from either, but here he was staring at himself in Marian's mirror, looking just about as good as usual.

Marian couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Robin sitting on her pink stool, brushing his tail more meticulously than she does her own. "Robin, can you try on my clothes now?"


"I mean, the clothes I made you."

He turned his head to both sides in the mirror, each eye examining it's respective half. "Is my hair alright?"

"Yes, Robin, you look fabulous! Now go on!"

Robin slowly combed down his last stray hair and walked around the corner to the bathroom. Neatly folded on the vanity was an off-white, v-necked shirt that was only a shade or two of beige darker than the tower's creamy walls, a chestnut colored vest pulled together in the front by intertwined strings, and a wide, burgundy, cloth belt. He shed his cooling, white garment and slipped into the short-sleeved bottom layer, followed by the thin vest, then fastened the belt around his waist so that the slack hung at his preferred position of halfway between his torso and knees. Speaking of his wasn't covered. Surely Marian hadn't made a mistake. Surely the belt slack wasn't meant to be a loincloth, but, surely it wasn't intended for his lower half to be exposed. Or was it?

It was difficult to break eyesight with the handsome angel in the mirror, but he glanced down to see the belt wasn't the last piece in the stack. He held up the remaining part, turning it all different ways. It was light mud colored pants. It's not that he didn't like pants, only that those long things he always wore, whatever they were called- not necessarily a tunic or a robe, Lord forbid, a man skirt- tended to be more comfortable to sit on tree branches in...

WildeHood: A Zootopia and Robin Hood CrossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora