You Promised...

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Before we start, I'd like to thank all of you, and especially the ones who comment and vote! They always make me smile and motivate me to keep writing.
With that said and done, enjoy this chapter~

It was early in the morning, the sun just starting to peak through Hajime's certains. As sunlight softly filled the room, the brunet groaned lightly and slowly moved his hand infront of his eyes to block out the light.

But of course, once you wake up, you become more conscious of the things around you. Hajime was no different.

He slowly recognized the soft lulling motion of something moving up and down, and the barely noticeable warmth that it was emitting.

Hajime shifted slightly, and took his sweet time to open his eyes.

He stared at the bottom of his older brother's chin, so not wanting to wake him up, Hajime prompted himself up and carefully moved off of Izuru. The brunet stared at his face.

Izuru was almost always graceful looking, even in his sleep. His eyes were softly shut and he wasn't frowning nor smiling. His skin was a milky white, almost like a ghost, that brought out all of his facial features. His long, sliky, black hair shined beautifully in the dull sunlight of the room.

Hajime smiled, he liked it when Izuru wasn't talking like a Englishmen from the 1900s, or yapping at everything he did wrong.

Yet, Hajime hatted to admit he looked up to his brother. Izuru was naturally talented at everything he did. Well, except anything that involves be emotional. And compared to him, Hajime was average. He wasn't naturally born with talent, Izuru mostly shoved the information and knowledge he has now into his brain.

Deep down, Hajime was forever in Izuru's debt for everything he's done. but every time Hajime starts to fell like things are changing for the better, Izuru goes and throws a pile of "bricks o'bad news" on him.

"Bastard." Hajime mumbled.

"That's extremely rude, especially this early in the morning." Izuru repiled, one eye opened.

"WHOA!" Hajime yelped as he sprung backwards.

Izuru closed his eye and turned on his side, pulling the blanket over his shoulder. "It's still too early in the morning. Estimating the time you fell asleep last night, you still need two more hours of sleep to have a healthy eight hours. You don't want bags under your eyes, do you?"

Hajime yawed "No..." and laid next to Izuru, not complaining about getting more sleep, for his eyelids still felt like lead. He laid close to his brother until he felt their backs touch for extra warmth.

It definitely brought back some nostalgia from early childhood, back when their parents had first "died", and Haijme was only 10, and Izuru was 15.

~~~flash back~~~
"Izu-Chan?" Little Hajime held on to his pillow as he walked into Izuru's room, he stood just by the door.

Izuru sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes "What is it." He said in a sleepy voice.

"I miss mom and dad..." he silently sobbed.

Izuru sighed, then patted his bed, signalling Hajime to come and lay down.

Hajime slowly walked to Izuru's bed and laid down next to him.

Izuru used his thumbs to wipe away the young brunet's tears. "I'm sorry that you miss them. But, I can't do anything about it."

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