Scared or Comfort?

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Hajime was keeping a few feet in between him and Nagito, as they walked back to the city. Panting deeply from the long sprint- er, well, just Nagito. Like said before, Hajime was well fit, and recovered easily.

Nagito hummed "Still no service, eh?" He sighed "Well that's a shame." Nagito lowered his phone, and slipped it back into his pocket.

Hajime was still in deep thought, and was still shaken up from the actions that took place, no longer then 10 minutes ago. "Geez, I don't know how much longer I can take of this!? How did he know what would happen? How'd.... What? I don't know!"

"Hinata-Kun," Nagito placed his hand on Hajime's shoulder, making him flinch at contact "I can see you're still frightened, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yeah," Hajime said, while moving his hand and intertwining it with Nagito's, causing the albino to blush "you can start by explaining what the fuck just happened!? Like, how'd you know your plan would work?" Hajime raised his voice.

"Heh... Well, you're still alive, I might as well explain to you... but, you need to promise me one thing..." he stopped walking, Hajime stopped as well, and faced the albino.

"What is it, Komaeda-kun?"

Nagito cupped Hajime's hand that he was holding, and looked into the brunet's eyes, Nagito's spinning with despair "Don't ever leave me, Hajime."

Hajime flinched slightly "was that a fucking confession? From someone I just met today??"

Nagito blinked, then blushed. He let go of Hajime's hand, and scratched the back of his neck, most likely out of embarrassment "s-sorry, that sounded like a confession." He laughed uncomfortably "I meant it like, don't ignore me, and keep being my friend... most of them leave me... or die."

"Are you gonna kill me if I say no?" Hajime took a small step back.

Nagito put his hands up and started waving them "N-no! You see, I've got terrible luck!" He smiled "I'll explain this to you as we walk, they might find us again."

Hajime nodded, and went to grab the albino's hand, but, decided against it. The two walked side by side along the highway.

"Well, I wouldn't entirely call it bad luck,rather more of a luck cycle." Nagito started "Something good will happen, then later, something bad happens. Take today for example: I met you, and you made my day absolutely wonderful! But, as we were walking back, my luck ran out, and we were kidnapped." He sighed "My bad luck all depends on how good my good luck brought me. So, I knew that an amazing day wouldn't take your life away. Not yet at least." Nagito whispered the last part.

"Huh? Okay... but, what was the worst thing that's happened to you?" Hajime said, deciding to believe Nagito for now, until he got more info in him.

"So far, probably my parents death, or maybe my manor burning down due to the toaster exploding?"

Hajime gasped "Komaeda-kun... I'm so sorry for bringing that up..."

Nagito laughed sadly "yeah, I didn't even get to eat my bagel..."

Hajime punched his arm lightly "You know that's not what I meant."

"Y'know, Hinata-kun? I'm really happy that you're not dead yet... I wonder how long that'll last for?"

Hajime peered back into Nagito's eyes, they were scary, basically spinning with despair and hope colliding, and his smile was psycopalthic

"H-h... W-wha-what do-do you mean by t-th-that?" Hajime stuttered one fear, quaking in his own shoes.

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