A truth spiled

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Monday rolled around fast, and Hajime was having a hard time finding his phone. He's pretty sure he had it when he came back from the mall on Saturday, but it's been missing ever since. Izuru's been no help either on trying to find it.

Hajime stood up from the ground after looking underneath his bed for the fifteenth time, and dusted his knees off. "Geez," he muttered under his breath while running his hand through his hair. "Where did I leave my damn phone?"

"Hajime! It's time to go to the school!" Izuru called from downstairs.

"Coming!" Hajime called back, he quickly swapped up his backpack to help carry the school supplies home. He left his room and met up with Izuru by the front door, quickly slipping on his shoes, he and Izuru left the house and entered the car.

The drive was quiet and uncomfortable, so Hajime leaned over slightly to turn on the radio. The song "Check Yes, Juliet" played. Hajime stopped for a few seconds.

"This is... Nagito's favourite song." Hajime smiled at the thought of the albino singing quietly while smiling to this song. "Nagito..."

"Come on, I'll text you once I get home." His own voice echoed in his head... "Text you... once I get..."

"Home..." he said out loud, processing it. Before going wide eyed and slamming his hand down, causing Izuru to give him an annoyed side glance. "SHIT! I forgot to text Komaeda-kun back!"

"You found your phone?" Izuru asked, uninterested.

"No..." Hajime whined "But he's definitely worried sick right now! I know he is!"

Izuru sighed, as the pulled into the school parking lot. He put the car in park, and turned off the ignition. "Whatever it is, let's go retrieve your items and return home." Izuru exited the car, and waited for Hajime to get out as well before locking it.

The two walked in silence as they entered the school. Hajime showed Izuru to his locker, and unlocked it.

"Pass me the lock and key, I'll return them
to your principal." Izuru demanded, Hajime nodded his hand and handed the lock and key to his brother and watched him walk off before starting to unpack his locker.

"Heya, Kid? Skipping class?" A voice asked from behind him.

Hajime lifted his head and watched as the tall man leaned against the lockers beside him. His number:7 "Um... Not really?" Hajime answered with uncertainty.

The man raised an eyebrow "Not really? The hells that mean?" He asked while chuckling.

"I'm kinda leaving the school..."

"Damn, that sucks. I hate class, but I like the school, I'd hate to have to leave it behind." The man sighed "The name's Mondo Owada, from the third years."

Hajime stood up, and shook his hand "Oh, I know you."

"You do?" He smiled "I didn't know I was popular."

"Yeah, a few weeks ago I saw Ishimaru-san yelling at you."

He chuckled "Pff, the nerd? He does that a lot. Anyway, what's your name kid?"

"Hajime Hinata, I was a second year, but... I've got to leave."

"Well, I don't like any of that formal crap. So, I should be heading back to class now, before that nerd finds out I'm skipping again." He pushed himself off the lockers "I'll see you around sometime, Hajime."

"Ah! Wait!" Hajime stood up, Mondo raised an eyebrow.


Hajime looked down while blushing slightly "Could I ask you a favour, owada-"

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