Sleep Over~

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Sorry this took longer to get out, but it's a long chapter! Promise!

It had two days since Hajime and Nagito got kidnapped, the police recommended that they stay home for a few days. Izuru insisted that Hajime stays at home for a week or two.

Izuru had locked all of the windows and doors, making sure no one could come in, nor leave... besides Izuru, he's works under the gouvernement, and Hajime has yet to learn what his actual job is.

Meanwhile, Hope's Peek Academy had sent the two boys a few work sheets for school.

Hajime was laying on the living room floor, doing his work sheet, the causal sounds of the calculator buttons being pushed and Izuru turning the pages of his book echoed through the large room.

Ding dong

He whipped his head up, as he heard Izuru slowly stand up and walk towards the door. The sound of the large lock being turned, and the door opening.  The brunet focused his attention back onto his work, lightly tapping at the calculator.

Hajime heard a soft voice and Izuru's monotone voice, but they were too low to comprehend the words they were saying.

Then the sound of the door shutting and the click of the lock.  Izuru came back in and sat down, but a pair of  unfamiliar feet stood in front of Hajime, causing him to look up, only to be greeted by a happy smile.

"Oh, hey Komaeda-kun." Hajime sat up straight "Why're you here?"

Nagito sat in front of him "Sorry for the intrusion, but I need help with the worksheet." He pulled said paper out of his small backpack.

"Do you have a calculator?" Hajime asked.

"Yes! I kinda figured I'd need one," he chuckled lightly "Though, they didn't give us lots of work, it's quite difficult to understand." He laughed lightly heartily. "I mean, you really don't have to help me! I just-"

Hajime smiled lightly "No, no. You're already here, and you're new. It'll only make sense if I explain it to you."

Hajime scooted next to Nagito, then started to explain how to do the calculations and the formulas. The albino nodded lightly as Hajime explained, and light gasps every now and again.

"Oh, i understand now." Nagito grabbed a pencil from his bag and began writing "So, I have to put x over 45v?"

"Yup, then divid your answer by what's left." Hajime picked up his pencil and laid back down and continued his work.

"Hey... Hinata-kun? You wouldn't mind if I did my work here, right?"

Hajime raised an eyebrow at the albino question, before laughing lightly "Of course not, I'd feel better if you'd stay, so if you get stuck on a question, you wouldn't have to run all the way back here."

Nagito blushed lightly "Ah, thank you."

The brunet lightly bugged his shoulder "Anytime, now do your work."

The two boys did their work sheets, and surprisingly, Nagito finished before Hajime, so he just kinda watched him for a bit. The two were laying on the ground, their shoulders and legs were touching, and could feel the other's heat radiating off of the them. It was comforting.

Hajime sat up once he finished, stretching out his back till he heard a satisfying crack.

A low hum came from Izuru, who's bright red eyes were focused on the book in his hands "Hajime, have you been doing your stretches?"

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