Chapter 4

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"First, I would like both your names" the woman with red plaits said.

"I'm Mary Sullivan" Mary said. "And this is Charlotte Sullivan"

"Charlotte.... That is a lovely name" the woman said.

Charlotte tried to smile at the lady, but still she felt too scared to do anything other than look very shy and not say anything. The woman wrote down something on a piece of paper.

"Next, Charlotte's age and date of birth" the woman said.

"She's six years old" Mary said, giving Charlotte a small hug to calm her down. "And her birthday is 17th October, 1901"

"Does Charlotte have any medical conditions I should know about?" the woman asked.

"She has no medical problems or allergies that I know of, but it's probably to best be cautious if you give her something she's never tried before" Mary replied.

The woman gave a quick nod before writing it down.

* * * * *

The questions went past one by one. Charlotte stayed silent through the entire thing. She only nodded or shook her head if the woman asked her a question.

"Well, thank you Mrs Sullivan" the woman said. "I'll give you both a few minutes to say goodbye"

The woman left afterwards. Charlotte looked up at her mother and saw tears falling down her cheeks.

"Charlotte, I want you to have this" Mary reached into her pocket and placed something small in Charlotte's hand. Charlotte slowly peered down at it.

It was a small locket. Charlotte opened it up and there was a picture of her mother. Her mother looked younger and in her arms was a small baby with a hand in it's mouth.

"I asked a local photographer to take it a few days after you were born" Mary said. "If you aren't able to come home for a while, I want you to find a way back to London and find me. Don't ever lose this, so you don't ever forget me"

Charlotte nodded.

"I'm going to miss you, Mother" Charlotte said. "I'll never forget you, I promise"

Charlotte hugged her mother, still sitting on her lap. 

The woman then entered back into the room afterwards. Mary took Charlotte off her lap and whispered something into the woman's ears. Charlotte didn't hear much, but she heard a few words:

"...her father... starts acting like... may start.... so please.... her fairly"

"Yes, ma'am" the woman said. "Don't worry, Charlotte will be right at home here"

"Thank you" Mary then turned back to Charlotte. "I'll write to you as best as I can, Lottie. Take care of yourself"

"Goodbye, Mum..." Charlotte said. 

Charlotte watched as her mother walked down the small corridor and towards the door with strange pictures on the door.

She could hear her mother sobbing quietly as she shut the door.

"Well, I never actually told you my name, Charlotte" the woman with red hair said, bending down so she was about the same height as Charlotte. "My name is Anne, but here you will have to call me Nurse Anne"

Charlotte nodded, holding her teddy even tighter in her hands. 

"He's very cute" Nurse Anne said, pointing at Charlotte's teddy. "What's his name?"

"His name is Piggy" Charlotte said. "Because he likes to eat a lot, like the pig on the farm at home"

"You lived on a farm, eh?" Nurse Anne replied. "That must've been fun"

"It was, there was a giant field that I used to play in... but I always wanted to play in it with some friends that I hoped I would make at school"

"Well, this place is like a home, a school and a field all in one place" Nurse Anne said. "You'll be taught how to write and read and everything else you'll need for the future"

"I can read a little" Charlotte said. "I've been reading The Enchanted Castle and I can say nearly all my ABC's" 

"You're a clever little one" Nurse Anne smiled.

"Thank you, Nurse Anne" Charlotte replied, a huge smile sneaking onto her face.

"How about we go upstairs and get you ready?" Nurse Anne said. "Breaktime will be over soon, so you'll have your first lesson and then lunch. I'll be with you for a few days until you figure your way around this place"

"Thank you, Nurse Anne" Charlotte said, following her up the stairs. 

They arrived in a small bathroom. Two small baths sat in one corner and a pile of clothes and shoes were in the other corner. 

"First, we're going to give you a quick bath and then you can get into the Hospital's uniform" Nurse Anne said. "Just to warn you, the water is a little cold"

"Do I have to help fix bones and cut up people's stomachs?" Charlotte asked, sounding scared.

"No, dear" Nurse Anne replied. "This Hospital isn't like a doctor hospital. This Hospital is a home for young boys and girls who can't be with their families for whatever reason"

"My mother told me" Charlotte replied, as she took her boots and coat off.

"Well then, let's get this bath over and done with" Nurse Anne said. "The bell will be going in a few minutes, so we best get to the lesson soon"

Charlotte nodded. This day was already becoming an adventure.

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔬𝔱𝔱𝔢 𝔖𝔲𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔫 ¤ 𝔇𝔬𝔠𝔱𝔬𝔯 𝔚𝔥𝔬Where stories live. Discover now