Chapter 22

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Charlotte held the orange piece of card in her hand as she waited for the train to arrive. 

She'd lied about her age to get an adult ticket. She was turning 13 in two weeks, but she claimed she was 17 and was just short for her height. Thankfully, the ticket man seemed to buy the excuse and gave her the ticket.

"Two tickets to Farringham please," Mary said to the man behind the glass. "One adult, one child"

Charlotte couldn't stop staring at the man behind the glass. He had a bushy beard and a strange blue hat on his head. He wore a uniform the same colour as the blue hat.

"5 shillings please, ma'am," the man behind the glass told Mary.

Mary placed five silver coins on the table. The man behind the glass slid his hand under the glass and took the money. He then gave Mary two orange pieces of paper.

"Thank you, sir," Mary said. "Come on, Lottie"

Charlotte looked at the man behind the glass one more time before walking with her mother onto the station. That was when she saw the giant red and black train in front of her. She gasped in amazement at the incredible thing.

"Okay, Lottie," Mary said. "You get on first"

Charlotte stepped onto the train as the flashback played into her head.

'Maybe I'll see my mother again' Charlotte thought, hope filling her up. 'I really hope she's doing well with herself'

Charlotte walked down two carriages, but each area seemed to be mainly full. Some had small and big families inside, others had soldiers and young men, while the remainder had young women or elderly couples. 

Charlotte eventually found an empty area and sat down, placing her suitcase in between her legs. She stared out of the window, watching the houses and fields and trees and roads zoom past her.

"Excuse me?" 

Charlotte faced the door. A young woman, most likely a few years older than Charlotte, stood by the door. She had blonde hair in a plait and wore a blue dress with muddy brown boots. 

'She must've lived in an area that was bombed too' Charlotte thought.

"May I sit in here with you?" the lady asked. "Everywhere else is full and I don't really feel comfortable standing up"

"Yes, of course," Charlotte replied, showing the lady she could sit opposite on the empty seat.

The lady smiled before sitting down. Charlotte continued staring out of the window, watching everything zip past quickly.

"I've never been on a train before," the lady said.

"I have, but that was years ago" Charlotte replied. "Feels almost strange to be returning to the place I once called home"

"Where did you live before?" the lady asked.

"A small village named Farringham" Charlotte replied.

The lady's eyes seemed to widen a little. Charlotte was a little confused. Did the lady live in Farringham too?

"Lottie?" the lady said.

Charlotte's eyes widened. She was no longer on the train. She was back in the Hospital, talking to someone with blonde hair.

"Pearl?" Charlotte's hands flew to her mouth.

"Oh my god!" Pearl cried, the two girls hugging as tears fell down both of their faces. "It's been so long, I didn't recognise you!"

"I didn't recognise you either!" Charlotte cried, before breaking away from her best friend. "Wha- How? What are you doing here?"

"After Farringham was attacked, Nurse Anne shut down the Hospital," Pearl said. "Most foundlings were adopted by families, but those of us that weren't were given money and told to get to a place we know we'd find a home. What are you doing here? I thought you had a master"

"He passed away a few days ago..." Charlotte replied. "I'm heading to London to make sure Timothy keeps his promise"

"How is Timothy, by the way?" Pearl asked.

"He's doing well, from when I last heard from him" Charlotte replied. "He joined the army back in August. I just hope he comes back in one piece"

"You told him, didn't you?" Pearl smirked.

"Yes, and he told me" Charlotte laughed at the memory.

"What was the promise Timothy made?" Pearl asked.

Charlotte explained everything, from the first time she was pushed down on because she was a girl to being able to get enough money to head to London and start a small life. Charlotte, however, left out the parts about The Doctor and Martha, knowing they'd accept the fact that Charlotte tried to keep them a secret. 

Also, Charlotte would've sounded like a crazy person.

"You're telling me that Timothy asked you to a dance?" Pearl couldn't believe it.

"Yes," Charlotte replied. 

"Wow..." Pearl smiled. But Charlotte could tell something was bugging her a little.

"Pearl, what's wrong?" Charlotte asked.

"I understand if this is asking too much, but may I come with you?" Pearl asked. "I can't bear never seeing you again, and I want to show this country that there are more women out there than they think that wants the right to vote and have our voice heard"

"Pearl, of course, you can come with me!" Charlotte almost laughed. "We've been best friends ever since I first stepped into the Hospital, and I can't thank you enough. We go through whatever comes our way, together. Alright?"

"Thanks, Lottie" Pearl smiled. "I can already tell this war won't be as short as they say it is"

"I do too..." Charlotte replied. "Which is what I've been fearing for a little while now"

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