Chapter 10

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Charlotte stopped outside the school with Nurse Anne. Her mouth fell open in surprise. 

She'd been expecting the school to be in this big fancy mansion or something that looked very expensive, not a castle she'd been so interested in since she arrived in Farringham five years ago. 

"You'll be alright, Charlotte?" Nurse Anne asked.

"Yeah..." Charlotte said as she faced Nurse Anne. Nurse Anne had her personal handkerchief in her hands, wiping away a few tears.

"Oh, don't worry about this" Nurse Anne said, noticing Charlotte was looking up at her. "I'm just going to miss you and those breaktimes we used to spend together"

"I'm going to miss them too" Charlotte sighed. "But maybe I can come back and visit you"

"Maybe" Nurse Anne smiled before crouching down to Charlotte's height and pulling her in for a hug. 

Both of them stayed hugging for what felt like hours before they heard someone clearing their throat. Both saw a man with circular glasses and a small moustache. Nurse Anne stood up and faced the man.

"You must be the Headmaster" Nurse Anne smiled. "This is Charlotte, the maid Mr Richards asked for"

"Ah yes, I recall him telling me" the man gave a small unemotional smile.

"Well, I will hopefully see you around, Charlotte" Nurse Anne smiled before walking down the pathway they had taken no more than ten minutes ago. 

Charlotte turned back to the man, holding her suitcase in her two small hands that had been through a lot of work in the past five years. 

"What's your surname, Charlotte?" Headmaster asked. 

"Sullivan, sir" Charlotte replied. 

"Follow me, Miss Sullivan" Headmaster said and started to walk towards the ancient looking building. Charlotte followed by his side.

"Here, you will address all the teachers by their surnames, but you'll address me as Headmaster" he started. "Everyone will address you as Charlotte or Sullivan, 

Charlotte nodded.

"You will be sleeping on the top floor with all the other maids" Headmaster continued. "Mr Ridley will be your master, so most of your chores will be done for him. Others will be done for the school"

* * * * *

The Headmaster spent about an hour telling Charlotte everything she'd expect while working at the school and what she'd mainly be doing everyday. 

In the morning, she'd be at Mr Ridley's study by 7am to deliver his morning tea. While school was going on, she'd mainly be either cleaning the school, doing what Mr Ridley asked or helping one of the many students. 

Charlotte didn't say much, except from the answers to Headmaster's questions. 

Eventually, Charlotte found herself waiting in a small room for a student to give her a small tour of the school grounds and would then be introduced to Mr Ridley. The door suddenly opened as Charlotte was staring out the window at a small tree. 

Headmaster stood there with the student. 

It was Timothy. Charlotte tried to hide her excitement and kept a neutral expression. Timothy seemed to be trying to also, but it was easier for him since he was facing away from Headmaster. 

"Charlotte, this is Timothy Latimer" Headmaster said. "He'll be giving you the tour"

"Thank you, Headmaster" Charlotte smiled, giving a small nod before Headmaster closed the door. 

Timothy didn't know what to say. Neither did Charlotte. 

"I can't believe it" Timothy smiled. "I thought the maid would be someone else, but I'm glad it wasn't"

"At least we won't have to sneak out anymore" Charlotte smiled. 

Nearly every weekend, Charlotte and Timothy would sneak into the woods nearby to chat and spend at least two hours together. 

"Well, shall we begin the tour?" Timothy smiled. 

"Indeed, we shall" Charlotte smiled back at him. 

Things just got so much better. 

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔬𝔱𝔱𝔢 𝔖𝔲𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔫 ¤ 𝔇𝔬𝔠𝔱𝔬𝔯 𝔚𝔥𝔬Where stories live. Discover now