Chapter 18

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Timothy and Charlotte continued to run until they reached the top of a hill. They let go of each other's hands and sat down, taking a break. 

Charlotte panted heavily, wondering if Mr Ridley was alright. Were Nurse Anne and Pearl okay too? And all the other kids at The Foundling Hospital? She could only hope they were all safe and sound...

"Charlotte, follow the boys to the outside of the village" Timothy said, standing up. "You'll be safe with them. I need to end this entire thing"

Timothy started to walk down the hill, but Charlotte quickly stood up and chased after her best friend.

"Timothy, no!" Charlotte stood up and grabbed his wrist. "That family will kill you if you show up with that watch! I won't have you risking your life anymore for anyone, even if the entire time, you've been trying to keep me safe!"

"Charlotte, please!" Timothy pleaded. "I don't want you to get hurt. It would tear me apart-"

"It would tear me up too if you get hurt, or even killed" Charlotte said, tears now escaping. "Timothy, even if you don't escape this hurt, you have that war to worry about. I saw something else when we both held the watch"


Charlotte opened the door to find a soldier at the door.

He had a distraught look on his face when he handed Charlotte a letter and then walked back down the small front garden to the gate.

The letter made Charlotte fall onto her knees, sobbing. 

Timothy had been killed during a bombing in the trenches, trying to assist another soldier.


Timothy didn't even need Charlotte to tell him what she saw. He knew what she'd seen, because he'd seen it too. 

His death.

"Timothy.... please" Charlotte begged. "If you are doing anything else tonight, you're doing it with me. I'm staying with you, because... because I care about you"

Timothy nodded, hoping the moonlight didn't show his burning cheeks. "Alright, we need to find Mr Smith"

"They couldn't have gone far, right?" Charlotte said. 

Timothy looked down at the watch, "It's saying to head down the hill"

"Maybe it's giving us directions to him?" Charlotte suggested. "Let's go."

The two of them followed the watch's directions until they stopped in front of a simple white house. 

"Why would they be hiding here?" Charlotte wondered.

Timothy walked over and knocked on the door. Martha opened it moments later. Timothy held out the fob watch.

"We brought you this" Timothy said. 

A smile grew on Martha's face. She took it and held it out to Mr Smith, who backed away from her, fear in his eyes. Charlotte didn't blame him; it had been a very eventful night.

"Hold it..." Martha said.

"I won't" Mr Smith responded.

"Please, just hold it" Martha replied.

"It told Charlotte and me to find you," Timothy said. "It wants to be held."

"You've had this watch all this time?" Matron asked. "Why didn't you return it?"

"Because it was waiting..." Timothy replied. "Then because I was so scared of the Doctor."

"What, why?" Charlotte asked.

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔬𝔱𝔱𝔢 𝔖𝔲𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔫 ¤ 𝔇𝔬𝔠𝔱𝔬𝔯 𝔚𝔥𝔬Where stories live. Discover now