Chapter 16

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Charlotte and Tim had agreed to meet outside the road that led to The Foundling Hospital. Charlotte didn't argue, since she thought she might be able to see Pearl.

Unfortunately, she didn't.

"Wow..." Tim smiled once he saw Charlotte in her blue dress and plaited hair. "You look amazing!"

Charlotte's cheeks turned bright pink, "Thank you. You look very handsome"

"Thanks.." Tim smiled, before lifting his arm out. "Shall we?"

Charlotte smiled before linking her arm with Tim's, "We shall.."

The pair slowly made their way back into the village, both chatting about small things, like they normally did.

Someone suddenly bumped into Tim and continued running. 

"Sorry, guys!" Martha said before continuing to run down the road.

But something happened.

They weren't in Farringham anymore. In fact, the two kids had no idea where they were. It looked so modern and industrial. Martha bumped into them again, but her hair was in a bobcut, she was wearing a leather jacket and ripped jeans and had earrings on. 

"Sorry, guys!" she said again.

"Martha?" Charlotte almost gasped.

As quick as the area appeared, it disappeared again and became Farringham again. Martha was back into the original clothes she'd been wearing before.

"Not now, Lottie!" Martha called back while still running. "Busy!"

Charlotte and Tim looked at each other, both sharing the same shocked expression. 

"You saw that too, didn't you?" Tim asked.

Charlotte nodded, "What was that?"

"Let's get to the Dance and I'll explain" Tim replied.

With that, the pair continued their small walk to the Town Hall, where the Dance was being held. 


"So let me get this straight.." Charlotte said. "Not only can you hear voices coming from that, but you can see Mr Smith as... someone else?"

"Yes, I understand if I sound like an insane person but it's the truth" Tim sighed.

The pair had been dancing for a bit and were now in a corner, having some drinks. A large window was next to them as Timothy explained everything.

"I believe you, Tim" Charlotte said, taking his hands in hers. "But I'm not sure others will. We can't just go around telling everyone else about this"

Timothy nodded, "Yeah, I suppose"

Charlotte smiled softly at her friend before letting go of his hands. She slowly walked over to the window and stared at her reflection.

She was just about to fix a stray part of her hair back into the plait when something jumped up from the trees at her. She yelped in fright and backed away from the window.

"Lottie, what's wrong?" Timothy asked, looking out the window to try and see what spooked her.

There was nothing there.

"I... I thought I saw-"

Before Charlotte could finish her sentence, Mr Clark walked in, shoving over a few things to catch everyone's attention.

"You will be silent! All of you!" Mr Clark yelled.

Scarecrows started walking in, followed by Baines and a woman that Charlotte recognised as Jenny, who worked at the school. Charlotte grabbed Timothy's arm, growing very scared. 

"I saw that!" she whispered into his ear. Tim's eyes widened.

"I said silence!" Mr Clark yelled

"Mr Clark?" the mayor asked. "What's going on?"

Mr Clark turned around to face the mayor, aiming a green gun of some sort. A green blast came out of it and the mayor screamed, completely disappearing.

A few people screamed in fright, including Charlotte. Tim held Charlotte closer to him, not wanting anything to happen to her.

"We asked for SILENCE!" Baines yelled, before calming down. "Now then. We have a few questions for Mr Smith"

A few eyes fell on Mr Smith. Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. What could these people want with Mr Smith?

"No, better than that!" a little girl with a red balloon stood up and walked to the group. "The teacher. He's The Doctor! I heard them talking"

"You took human form?" Baines almost laughed.

"Of course I'm human! I was born human, as were you, Baines!" Mr Smith replied, freaking out a little. "And Jenny, and you, Mr Clark. What is going on? This is madness!"

"Ooh, and a human brain, too. Simple, thick and dull!" Baines laughed a little.

"But he's no good like this.." Jenny said.

"We need a Time Lord" Mr Clark sneered.

"Easily done..." Baines took a step forwards and aimed his own gun at Mr Smith. "Change back"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Mr Smith said.

"Change back!" Baines ordered sharply.

"I literally do not know..." Mr Smith stuttered.

Suddenly, Jenny grabbed Martha, holding her in a chokehold with a gun aimed at Martha's head. Charlotte's hand flew to her mouth.

"Get off!" Martha yelled. 

"She's your friend, isn't she?" Jenny chuckled. "Doesn't this scare you enough to change back? 

"I don't know what you mean!" Mr Smith replied, sounding very scared.

"Wait a minute. The maid told me about Smith and the Matron" Jenny smiled, before pointing at Matron. "That woman, there!"

"Then let's have YOU!" Mr Clark stepped forwards and took Matron, aiming a gun at her head too.

"Have you enjoyed it, Doctor? Being human?" Baines asked. "Has it taught you wonderful things? Are you better, richer, wiser? Then let's see you answer this. Which one of them do
you want us to kill? Maid or Matron? Your friend... Or your lover... Your choice!"

Mr Smith was genuinely terrified. He had no idea what to do, and neither did anyone else in the room. 

Except Timothy Latimer.

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