The End Of Time pt.3

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"Now get me out of this thing!" I growl.

"Don't say thanks, will you" Addams says.

"He's not going to let us go. Just hurry up and get me out!" I say, Wilf looks out of a nearby window.

"Oh, my goodness me. We're in space!"

"Come on" the Doctor says.

"All right!"

"Oh, get a move on" I mutter, we are on a spaceship made from very large round modules "come on!"

"All right" they finally get me free. I zap the teleport controls with my sonic screwdriver.

"Where's your flight deck?" The Doctor asks.

"But we're safe. We're a hundred thousand miles above the Earth."

"And he's got every single missile on the planet ready to fire" I reply.

"Good point" Addams, Rossiter and the Doctor runs out, I gently lead Wilf away from the window.

"But we're in space!" Wilf says.


*Time skip*

"We've got to close it down!" the Doctor says.

"No chance, mate. We're going home."

"We're just a salvage team. Local politics has got nothing to do with us. Not unless there's a carnival. Sooner we get back to Vinvocci space the better."

"We're not leaving" the Doctor sonically sabotages the flight controls. The whole spaceship goes dark.

"Shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush" I say.

"No sign of any missiles. No sign of anything. You've wrecked the place!" Addams says to the Doctor.

"The engines are burnt out. All we've got is auxiliary lights. Everything else is kaput. We can't move. We're stuck in orbit."

"Thanks to you, you idiot!" Addams leaves.

"I know you two, though. I bet you've got a plan, haven't you? Eh? Come on. You've always got a trick up your sleeves. Nice little bit of the old Doctor, Seer flim-flam, sort of thing? Eh? Oh, blimey" Wilf says, a while later the Doctor and I are working on some wiring when I sees a bright object streaking towards the planet, I take my glasses off and watch it.

*Time skip*

"Doctor? Hello? Hello? Is that you? Seer? Anyone? Anyone? Oh, I think I'm lost" Wilf says as he walks down a corridor.

"And yet you are found. Events are closing. The day is almost upon us. But tell me, old soldier. Did you take arms?"

"I brought this. But what am I supposed to do?"

"This is the Doctor's final battle. At the end of his life, he must stand at arms, or lose himself and all this world, to the End of Time."

"But he never carries guns. He doesn't do. What about the Seer?"

"No, she will be fine."

"Who are you?"

"I was lost, so very long ago."

*Time skip*

The Doctor and I work in the teleport room when Wilf walks in.

"Aye, aye. Got this old tub mended?"

"Just trying to fix the heating" I say.

"Oh. I've always dreamt of a view like that. Hee, hee. I'm an astronaut. It's dawn over England, look. Brand new day. My wife's buried down there. I might never visit her again now. Do you think he changed them, in their graves?" Wilf asks.

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