The Water If Mars pt.2

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"Steffi, what's your estimate on shuttle viability?" Adelaide asks.

"It's a nine-month flight. It'll take us at least three hours to load up everything we need."

"You've got twenty minutes. And give me a report on Andy and Tarak."

"Still in the Biodome tunnel. They're just standing there, like they're waiting."

"Keep an eye on them, and make that twenty minutes fifteen. Ed, line up the shuttle. Go straight to ignition status."

"Doing it now."

"But what about Maggie?"

"She stays behind. We've got no way to contain her on board. Close this place down. I want the power directed to the shuttle."

"Of course, the only problem is..." the Doctor starts but is cut off by Adelaide.

"Thank you, Doctor. Yours and the Seers' spacesuits will be returned. And good luck to you both."

"The problem is, this thing is clever. It didn't infect the birds or the insects in the biodome, it chose the humans. You were chosen. And we told you, Adelaide, water can wait. Tarak changed straight away, but when Maggie was infected it stayed hidden inside her, no doubt so it could infiltrate the Central Dome. Which means..." I trail off.

"Any one of us could already be infected. We've all been drinking the same water."

"And if you take that back to Earth, one drop. Just one drop" the Doctor shakes his head.

"But we're only presuming infection. If we can find out how this thing got through. When it got through. Yuri, continue with Action One. I'm going to inspect the ice field."

"Right. We should leave. Finally, we should leave. Yuri, me old mate, no point in us seeing the ice field. No point at all. No. Adelaide!" the Doctor and I run to catch up with Adelaide "all I'm saying is, bikes. Little foldaway bikes. Don't weigh a thing."

*Time skip*

"They tell legends of Mars from long ago, of a fine and noble race who built an empire out of snow. The Ice Warriors" I say.

"I haven't got time for stories" Adelaide says.

"Perhaps they found something down there. Used their might and their wisdom to freeze it" I continue.

"Seer, Doctor, we need to find any sort of change in the water process. We've got to date the infection."

"Access denied."

"You two don't look like cowards, but all you've wanted to do is leave. You know so much about us."

"Well, you're famous" the Doctor says.

"It's like you both know more."

"This moment, this precise moment in time, it's like. I mean, it's only a theory, what do we know, but I think certain moments in time are fixed. Tiny, precious moments. Everything else is in flux, anything can happen, but those certain moments, they have to stand. This base on Mars with you, Adelaide Brooke, this is one vital moment. What happens here must always happen" I say.

"Which is what?"

"We don't know. We think something wonderful happens. Something that started fifty years ago, isn't that right?" I ask.

"I've never told anyone that."

"You told your daughter. And maybe one day she tells the story to her daughter. The day the Earth was stolen and moved across the universe. And you" the Doctor says.

The Destroyer Of Worlds ¹Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora