The Girl In The Fireplace pt.3

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I am looking up at the night sky, when Reinette walks over.

"You know all their names, don't you? I saw that in your mind. The name of every star."

"What's in a name? Names are just titles. Titles don't tell you anything" I say.

"Like Seer" Reinette says, I smile slightly.

"Like Madame de Pompadour."

"I have often wished to see those stars a little closer. Just as you have, I think."

"From time to time."

"In saving me, you trapped yourself. Did you know that would happen?" Reinette asks, I nod.

"Mmm. Pretty much."

"Yeah, I did, didn't I? Catch me doing that again."

"There were many doors between my world and yours. Can you not use one of the others?"

"When the mirror broke, the shock would have severed all the links with the ship. There'll be a few more broken mirrors and torn tapestries around here, I'm afraid, wherever there was a time window. I'll, I'll pay for any damage. Er, that's a thought, I'm going to need money. I was always a bit vague about money. Where do you get money?"

"So, here you are, my lonely angel, stuck on the slow path with me."

"Yep, the slow path. Here's to the slow path" I hold up my glass, Reinette also holds her glass up.

"It's a pity. I think I would've enjoyed the slow path."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere."

"Oh, aren't you? Take my hand" I do, and Reinette pulls me towards the bedchamber "It's not a copy, it's the original. I had it moved here and was exact in every detail" she points towards the fireplace.

"The fireplace. The fireplace from your bedroom. When did you do this?"

"Many years ago, in the hope that a door once opened, may someday open again. One never quite knows when one needs it. It appears undamaged. Do you think it will still work?"

"You broke the bond with the ship when you moved it, which means it was offline when the mirror broke. That's what saved it. But the link is basically physical, and it's still physically here. Which might just mean, if I'm lucky. If I'm very, very, very, very, very, very lucky" I start to tap the fireplace "ah ha!"


"Loose connection" I pull out my sonic screwdriver and use it "need to get a man in" I give the fireplace a thump and there is a clunk, I smile and hop onto the fireplace "wish me luck!"

"No" the fireplace turns, taking me to the other side, once on the other side I bend down.

"Madame de Pompadour! Still want to see those stars?"

"More than anything."

"Give me two minutes. Pack a bag."

"Am I going somewhere?"

"Go to the window. Pick a star, any star!" I say getting up and running off, I soon make it back to where Rose, Mickey and the Doctor are, I see Rose and the Doctor looking down

"Oh, cheer up you two" they both look up and run towards me pulling me in for a hug "how long did you wait?"

"Five and a half hours" Rose mumbles, I see tears falling down her cheeks and my hearts ache, I pull away patting the Doctor on his cheek, I put my hand on Rose's cheek and wipe her tears away.

"Great. Always wait five and a half hours" I walk over and give Mickey a hug.

"Where've you been?" Rose asks.

"Explain later. Into the TARDIS. Be with you in a sec" Rose and Mickey go into the TARDIS "that includes you Doctor" the Doctor huffs before also walking into the TARDIS, I tap a few buttons and run back to the fireplace "Reinette? You there, Reinette?" after getting no reply I go back through on the fireplace "Reinette? Oh, hello" I say noticing the King of France.

"You just missed her. She'll be in Paris by six" he says sadly.


"Good Lord. She was right. She said you never looked a day older. So many years since I saw you last, but not a day of it on your face" he takes a sealed letter from the drawer "she spoke of you many times. Often wished you'd visit again. You know how women are" I laugh softly, the King walks over to me and hands me the letter "there she goes" we both look out the window to see a hearse going down the driveway in the pouring rain "leaving Versailles for the last time. Only forty three when she died. Too young. Too young. Illness took her in the end. She always did work too hard. What does she say?" I look at the letter for moment before putting it in my pocket "of course. Quite right."

*Time skip*

"Why her? Why did they think they could repair the ship with the head of Madame de Pompadour?" Rose asks.

"We'll probably never know. There was massive damage in the computer memory banks. It probably got confused. The TARDIS can close down the time windows now the droids are gone. Should stop it causing any more trouble" the Doctor says.

"Are you, all right?" Rose asks walking over to me at the steps of the TARDIS.

"I'm always all right."

"Come on, Rose. It's time you showed me around the rest of this place" Mickey says, Rose nods and they both leave, the Doctor looks at me sadly as I take out the letter and open it, my eyes scan over the neatly written words of Madame de Pompadour.

'My dear Seer. The path has never seemed more slow, and yet I fear I am nearing its end. Reason tells me that you and I are unlikely to meet again, but I think I shall not listen to reason. I have seen the world inside your head, and know that all things are possible. Hurry though, my days grow shorter now, and I am so very weak. God speed, my lonely angel'

The Doctor looks at the fireplace on the scanner for a while before it goes out, he sighs and puts the TARDIS into motion.

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