Fear Her pt.3

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Rose pushes her way through the crowd at the end of the close.

"Sorry, you'll have to watch from here" a policeman says pushing Rose back.

"No, I've got to get closer" Rose says.

"No way."

"I can stop this from happening!" The pod is chittering in Rose's hand "you felt it, didn't you? Feel the love" Rose throws the pod into the air and it flies into the flame of the torch, the bearer of the torch staggers briefly then carries on.

"Yes!" Rose shouts.

"You did it! What was it you did?" Kel asks, back down the Close, the missing children reappear and run to their parents.


"Oh, Jane!"

"Seer" the Doctor walks up to Rose and Kel.

"I don't know who you are, or what you did, but thank you! And thank that other women for me too."

"Where is she? She should be here. All the drawings have come to life. That means all of them. Oh, no" Rose runs to Trish's house "Trish, get out!"

"I can't! The door's stuck!"

"Is the Seer in there?"

"I don't think so."


"Chloe, I'm coming to hurt you."

"Please, dad. No more."


"Chloe, listen to me. It isn't real like the others. It's just energy left over by the Isolus, but you can get rid of it" Rose says.

"Help us!"

"Oh, it's because you're so scared that he's real. But you can get shot of him, Chloe."


"You can do it, Chloe!" The Doctor shouts from outside.

"I can't!"

"Chloe, I'm coming."

"I can't! I can't!"

"I'm coming."

"I can't."

"I'm coming."



"I'm with you, Chloe. You're not alone. You'll never be alone again."

"Sing again! Chloe, sing!" The Doctor shouts.

"Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. Chloe, I'm coming to hurt you. Chloe!"

"Merry merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, gay your life must be. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, gay your life must be. Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. Merry merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, gay your life must be" Kel walks up to Rose who's sitting at Trish's front door while the Doctor stands off to the side.

"Maybe she's gone somewhere" Kel says.

"Who's going to hold his hand now?" Rose asks looking over at the Doctor. A while later Trish opens the Door and Rose, the Doctor and Kel walk in.

"Just look at this! Utterly incredibly scenes at the Olympic stadium. Eighty thousand athletes and spectators. They disappeared, they've come back! They've returned. They've reappeared. It's quite incredible. Bob, this will certainly..."

"Eighty thousand people, so where's the Seer? We need her."

"...But hang on, the Torch Bearer seems to be in a bit of trouble. We did see a flash of lightning earlier that seemed to strike him. Maybe he's injured. He's definitely in trouble" the torch bearer collapses "does this mean that the Olympic dream is dead?" suddenly a woman with brown, a brown trench coat, blue dress and black converse picks up the torch


"There's a mystery woman. She's picked up the flame. We've no idea who she is. She's carrying the flame. Yes, she's carrying the flame and no one wants to stop her. It's more than a flame now, Bob. It's more than heat and light. It's hope, and its courage, and its love" the spotlight follows the Seer as she runs up the red carpet to the lower cauldron. She whoops with joy then lights the gas.

"Go on. Join your brothers and sisters. They'll be waiting" I say.

*Time skip*

"Cake?" Rose asks holding out a fairy cake with silver sugar ball decoration on top, I gladly accept and take a bite.

"Top banana. Mmm. I can't stress this enough. Ball bearings you can eat, masterpiece!" I laugh, Rose pulls me into a hug.

"I thought I'd lost you" Rose says.

"Nah. Not on a night like this. This is a night for lost things being found. Come on" I say.

"What now?"

"I want to go to the Games. It's what we came for" the Doctor says.

"Go on, give us a clue. Which events do we do well in?" Rose asks.

"Well, I will tell you this. Papua New Guinea surprises everyone in the shot put" I say.

"Really? You're joking, aren't you? Are you serious or are you joking?"

"Wait and see" the Doctor says just as the fireworks display start.

"You know what? They keep on trying to split us up, but they never ever will" Rose says.

"Never say never ever" the Doctor says wrapping his arm around me.

"Nah, we'll always be okay, us three. Don't you reckon?" Rose says leaning her head on my shoulder.

"There's something in the air. Something coming" I say.


"A storm's approaching" the Doctor mutters.

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