The End Of Time pt.2

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Something is thrown against Wilf's window. Wilf looks out to see the Doctor and me returning to the TARDIS.

"We lost him. We were unconscious. He's still on Earth, we can smell him, but he's too far away" the Doctor says.

"Listen, you can't park there. What if Donna sees it?" Wild asks.

"You're the only one, Wilf. The only connection we can think of. You're involved, if we could work out how. Tell us, have you seen anything? We don't know. Anything strange, anything odd?" I ask.

"Well, there was a..."

"What? What is it? Tell us."

"Well, it was. No, it's nothing."

"Think-a think-a think. Maybe something out of the blue. Something connected to your life. Something."

"Well, Donna was a bit strange. She had a funny little moment, this morning, all because of that book."

"What book?" I ask.

"His name's Joshua Naismith" Wilf shows the book to me.

"That's the man. We were shown him by the Ood. "

"By the what?"

"By the Ood" the Doctor says.

"What's the Ood?"

"They're just the Ood. But it's all part of the convergence. Maybe? It may be touching Donna's subconscious. Oh, she's still fighting for us, even now. The Doctor Seer Donna" I say.

"Dad, what are you up to? You two. But. Get out of here" Sylvia says.

"Merry Christmas" I say.

"Merry Christmas. But she can't see you two. What if she remembers?"

"Mum, where are those tweezers?" they hear Donna's voice from the back of the house.


"We're going" the Doctor says.

"Yeah, me too" Wilf says.

"Oh no, you don't" Sylvia says.

"Mum? Gramps?"

"Dad, I'm warning you."

"Bye, see you later" Wilf says.

"Bit old for hide and seek."

"Stay right where you are" Sylvia says to Wilf.

"You can't come with us."

"You're not leaving me with her" Wilf says.


"Fair enough" the Doctor says as him, Wilf amd I walk into the TARDIS and it dematerialises.

"Naismith. If we can track him down. Ah. Right. Yes. Bigger on the inside. Do you like it?" I ask.

"I thought it'd be cleaner."

"Cleaner? We could take you back home right now" the Doctor says.

"Listen, Doctor, Seer, if this is a time machine, that man you're chasing, why can't you just pop back to yesterday and catch him?"

"We can't go back inside our own timeline. We have to stay relative to the Master within the causal nexus. Understand?"

"Not a word."

"Welcome aboard."

"Thank you."

*Time skip*

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