A Hug From A Stranger

Start from the beginning

Before she knew what was happening, she knelt down and hugged the shaking skeleton, placing her head on his as she held him close. She didn't know what came over her, but, she knew this feeling; like something she felt long ago.

"I'm not going to hurt you." She said softly, and for once she meant it. "Not even in a dream or a nightmare. Even if my life was at risk, I still wouldn't hurt you."

The shaking skeleton calmed down, though only slightly before he started to struggle in her grasp: something about her calmed him. But, it also set off some red flags in his mind: why would he immediately trust someone he just met?

It wouldn't make sense.

She let go of him and he shoved himself away from her. A pinprick glaring into her blindfold; his eye socket widened slightly when he saw a blindfold instead of eyes.

"How can I trust you?" He growled, giving her a heated glare. His hand was still clutching the scarf, never seeming to loosen the tight grip on it. He'd have to trust her for now: she gave off a dangerous vibe, even if she held no emotions on her face.

"I just hugged you. I could have easily killed you while you were vulnerable." She stated, watching as he calmed down again, but still only slightly.

"I suppose. . . I still don't trust you." His glare lessened slightly before falling all together and the sadness came back in his pinprick; he now looked at the ground sadly as he shoved his face into the scarf.

"You're sad," She stated, earning herself a pathetic form of a chuckle. " Do you wish to talk about it?" She asked him while giving him the impression that she wanted to comfort him but, in reality, she was looking for Exco.

Damn it Exco. Where are you when I need you?

She may have also wanted to be distracted from the thought of making breakfast for everyone.

I really don't want to make breakfast, not that I need to. I just can't sleep.

She spotted red in the corner of her vision: Exco.

It also seems that he really needs someone to talk too. Y/n felt another pang in her soul, this time empathy.

He reminds me of someone. . .

Someone I once knew. . .

Someone. . .


She flinched, feeling a stab of pain in her neck and brain; the feeling of tiny knives becoming increasingly harder to ignore. She stamped down the cough that was threatening to place more blood in her mouth than before.

Is my body trying to drown me in my own blood?

"I'm just-yeah. . . my universe was-" he started to explain his sadness, his past and his 'fears'. Y/n listened with a soft smile and patted his head when he stuttered over some words. The glitches that were enveloping him before, lessened.

He seeks comfort. No, he needs comfort.

"So that's why I tried to, well, kill you." He finished as he glanced at Y/n, scared of her reaction as he clutched his scarf.

"Want me to tell you why I'm like this?" She asked. "You told me your story, seems fair I tell you mine." She spotted his hesitation and waited. She was patient after all.

She waited for a confirmation; any sign that he would be willing to listen. And, when he nodded, she knew she could let him listen to her story.

"I can't remember my past and the only family I ever had is Exco," Her gaze flicked back towards Exco.  "Each time I try to remember my past I hear screams and dark laughter before I start to cough up blood," She ignored his widening pinprick. "It also happens whenever I feel any emotions, so it's not possible for me to feel. But, I have picked up on the ability to act as if I can feel emotions." She explained and the skeleton opened his mouth.

(AU Sans x Reader) Unknown Bond Mixed With Puns *Being rewritten/edited*Where stories live. Discover now