Ep.06 - The City Boy

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Taka landed a new job in Metropolis. Having spent half of his life in the suburban part of the country, being a city boy excites him.

Today, a company called him for a job offer and contract signing. He wore his favorite coat and smiled at his reflection on the mirror.

"Hello, city boy!"

It's still early so he took his time around the city. There are a lot of pretty people there, and it amazes him how everyone looks so independent. He walked to the front desk in the lobby of the building.

"Hi, I'm Taka. I'm here for a job offer from Beta Design and Prototyping."

"Good Day Mr. Taka," greeted the receptionist. "You were right on time. Please take the elevator on the right to 53rd floor."


Taka took the elevator on the right as instructed. Suddenly a gorgeous girl seemingly in a hurry called out to him. She was carrying a laptop and a cup of latté.

"Hey! Wait! Hold the door!"

Taka pressed the hold button until the girl made it to the elevator.

"Thank you!" said the girl still catching her breath.

Taka pressed the button for 53rd floor.

"Oh you work in 53rd too?" asked the girl.

But before Taka could answer, her phone ringed. She clutched her laptop and answered the call.

"Hello? I'm in the elevator now, sorry.."

The girl scooted next to Taka at the back of the elevator as more people came in. Taka can't take his eyes away from her. He knows there are a lot of pretty girls in the city, but this one is of the highest level. Though there are people who ride the elevator from each floor, it feels to him that they are alone. It's almost the 53rd floor when they are both left alone again.

"Yes, I know, I'm hurrying now. I lost track of time in the Ship Museum, sorry. Don't worry, I'm almost at our floor. Ok, bye!"

The girl gave a sigh as she pocketed her phone. There was a chime, then the elevator door opened. The girl immediately went out in a hurry. A pamphlet dropped from her pocket. Taka called out to her.

"Hey you dropped something!"

But the girl didn't hear him. Taka checked out the pamphlet and decided it must not be important, so he put it in his coat pocket. The floor receptionist recognized him from the last time he went there for interview. He was ushered to a room where he will sign the contract.

Everything went smoothly. He was given a month to wrap everything up on his previous company before starting in Beta-DP. It was still early to go home so Taka contacted his friends and they met an hour later in a bar.

"Look who's big time now?"

Taka's friends congratulated him on his new job. They caught up to each other's life happenings, like girls, and some serious boys talk.

"Hey bro you're leaving us in the suburbs, what's in it for us?"

"Oh man, we're all fucking single it's making me cry."

"Why don't we all go to a trip together? The last time we all go out was back in college bro!"

Taka remembered the pamphlet he picked up that morning. He fished it out and laid it on their table.

"Here man, we'll go to this island. Here are the details," said Taka.

"Woah, did you write these notes? So detailed bro.."

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