Ep.02 - A Stranger's Message

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It has been three months since they broke up. During the first week, Shiro would cry herself to sleep. She still went to work but would cry secretly in the comfort room. She got depressed and lose weight. After talking to her friend Rin, she felt completely fine.

Today while working, Shiro noticed the blinking notification light on her phone. Someone sent her a message. She checked, it was from the dating app that her friend forced her to use. Out of curiosity, she opened the message.


She checked his profile. His name is Seiji. She thinks she have to reply so she did.

"Hi Seiji."

A few seconds and he replied instantly. He must be online now. Shiro checked his message and proceeded to reply again.

"I saw your uploaded pictures. Do you live overseas?" Seiji asked.

"No," Shiro typed. "I just travel a lot."

They proceeded to talk about stuffs, interests, and told each other why they installed the dating app.

Talking with a stranger feels nice. Shiro opened up to him easily and told him about her story. She told him everything that happened to her 3 months before. In return, he told her his story.

Shiro found out that Seiji was from a break up too. His girlfriend ghosted him. He was supposed to meet her, but she never showed up. And he never heard from her ever since. He tried contacting anyone related to her, her friends, her family, but they wont tell him anything.

"It seems to me that all of her family and friends are against the two of you being together," Shiro commented.

"You think so? But they all told me this is for the best. I can't force her to be with me though, so I forgive her wherever she is."

They chatted more about personal stuffs and work. She found out that his work place is just near her, but she's not yet ready to meet anyone so she declined his invitation to meet.

"Haha I thought I could meet someone now, sorry. Maybe next time when you get to know me more?" He said

"Yeah, maybe next time." Shiro answered.

"Hey, did you mention that you're looking for a model ship?"

"Yes, I did. Why?"

"I'm actually working on a ship model now. The first prototype was trashed by the owner though. I can give you that one next time if you want."

"Really? Gee, thanks!"

"No problem. I just wonder if you like ships because your ex used to build them."

"No. I liked planes and ships even before I met him."

This is what people don't know about Shiro. She's a plane and ship fanatic. She's so amazed by planes and ships that whenever she meets people who works with them her inner geekiness comes out and she would engage them to talk to her for hours. Her enthusiasm reached its peak after meeting her ex. And it didn't change even after they break up.

"Oh sorry I have to go. I still have work to do," Shiro  chatted.

"Sure. Nice talking to you," Seiji replied.

Shiro proceeded with her work. She's been chatting for an hour, she lost too much time. She have to finish the slides for her presentation this afternoon.

"Shiro, it's almost lunch. Would you like to eat out?"

It's her friend at work. They never liked the food prepared in the canteen so they either eat out or bring packed lunch. Both of them didn't bring packed lunch today.

"Yeah sure, there's this newly opened restaurant 3 blocks from here, would you like to try that out?" Shiro answered.

"That's where we are going. Let's go!"

The restaurant was packed when they arrived. It seems like all the employees of offices in the vicinity decided to have their lunch here. Thanks to Shiro's friend who made an early reservation, they didn't have to wait to be seated. An usherette guided them to their seat and handed them the menu. They placed their order and waited for the food to be served.

"So how are you holding up?"

"It's been 3 months, I'm over it."

"That's good to hear girl. So who are you chatting now?"

"Chatting? Me? I'm not looking for anyone right now."

"Really? You've been on your phone all morning, I saw you smiling while chatting."

"Oh that's nothing, just a message from a stranger."

"I see.. And this stranger must be sending you messages now."

Shiro looked at her phone on the table. The notification light is blinking. There's a message, it's from Seiji. She was about to read it but their food is now ready to be served. She put her phone aside making a mental note to check it after lunch.

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