Ep.04 - The Photobomber

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It was a tiring day for Shiro.

The sun is up in midday and it's a pretty long walk from the new restaurant to their office, so they decided to take a cab. Unfortunately, they were caught in a traffic jam and was forced to walk halfway.

The meeting is already starting when she arrived. She excused herself from being late and took a seat.

"That's all. Will there be any questions?"

The first presentor just finished. Shiro was called next to present her proposal. All eyes were on her, she could feel the weight of their expectations. She have done this a million times, but the weight placed on her name is still making her anxious.

"....as stated, if we follow the aforementioned steps, we can increase our yield by atleast 10%."

Shiro finished presenting. Her manager looks impressed. It was decided to follow the plan that she laid out. The moon is out when the meeting ended. Shiro's friend and some of their colleagues were still working when she came back.

"I forgot to ask manager to approve my vacation leave.." Shiro sighed.

"I don't understand why you still work here.. I mean,  you're so rich you don't have to work, nor ask for a leave approval."

"I don't want to be in my parents shadow, you know that."

"Your life, your call," said her friend shrugging. "So where will you be traveling this time?"

"Well, there's this island in the south, that's where I'm planning to go!"

"Too bad I can't come.. So who are you with?"

"I'll go alone this time. I'm so excited!"

"Don't forget my souvenir! When was it again?"

"It's tomorrow!"

Shiro finished all her work before going home. She made a detour to the manager's office to remind him that she'll be on a 3-day leave starting tomorrow.

When she got home, Shiro packed all the items she needed. She double checked everything based on the list she made beforehand. All she thinks about now is her vacation. She was surfing the internet for island activities when she remembered the unread message she got from Seiji this afternoon.

She got her phone and opened the app. She was flooded by notifications from people who swiped at her photo. She tapped the message tab and there it was, the message from Seiji.

It was a photo with caption:

Check this out! Had a lunch out with the team. The photobomber made the funniest wacky face.

*** *** ***

Seiji got off his work early. He carried the prototype ship model into his car and drove home. It was a pretty big prototype and he's wondering if Shiro will accept something like that.

He put down the model on his worktable and made some changes. It is a prototype ship model for a confidential project so he needs to alter it a bit. It took him hours to finish it.

As he was looking at the finished model, he thought about the dating app, and how it changed him within a day. He chatted with a lot of women, though most of them easily lost interest in him. There were some who showed interest, and that's where he'll direct his attention for now.

He laid on his bed and looked at the ceiling, wondering why he haven't heard from Shiro yet. His thoughts wandered to the photo he sent her this afternoon. If he's being emotional, he'll think of that afternoon as so near, yet so far. Suddenly, his phone beeped and a message from Shiro was received.

*** *** ***

Shiro laughed at the photo sent by Seiji. It took her a full minute before she was finally able to stop. She typed a reply to him.

"Your face looks funny, haha! So you were there too!?"

It seems like Seiji is still up that time. The message panel shows him typing a reply.

"Yes, I work on the 10th floor of that building. Did you notice the photobomber?"

"Haha! Shut up, I am the photobomber! Geez, I look stupid."

"You look pretty to me though, a candid shot."

Shiro blushed. She's not used to people commenting on her looks.

"You should've approached me, I was with a friend though."

"Too late. I noticed you in the background when we were back in the office. Besides, you said you don't want to meet yet."

"Fair point." Shiro would be embarased if he walked up to her in the restaurant.

"By the way, here's a photo of the prototype ship model I was telling you this morning. It's pretty big, tell me if you still want it."

Seiji sent her a photo of the model. Shiro's eyes widened. She wants it. Everything about it screams cool. Her inner geekiness was triggered.

"Yes! Who wouldn't want something so cool? Are you sure I can have it?"

"Yes, it's yours. Anyway, will you be available this weekend?"

"Uhm, I'll be out of town tomorrow until weekends."

"Really? Nice! Out for a vacation?"

"Yes, in an island in the south. I need some vitamin sea."

"Nice, a beach. It's almost summer, I need a vacation too."

"Everyone needs atleast a day to relax. Go and use some of your leave credits. Haha! By the way, thanks for the model ship."

"No problem. Just tell me when will you be available. I can't keep something this big forever."

"Sure! Good night."

"Good night Shiro."

Shiro laid on her bed thinking about the model ship and Seiji's effort to build it. Though she only know him for a day, it feels like she know him for long already. She tried to clear her mind and go to bed. Tomorrow is her 'me day', and she doesn't want to be late to the meet up location.

Shiro closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

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